
I’ve too much love for my besties on here to start flights.

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The original plan had 11 towers, the tallest of which is 21 storeys, making it the highest residential building in Ireland. It is being retained, but the number of other towers is being reduced from 10 to nine. The nine tower blocks have been reduced by either one or two storeys.

Privately seething here that our number of towers have been reduced from 11 to 10.


And developed for vast profit by a lad who wrote hundreds of millions of debt off to the taxpayer. What a great country to do business in.

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Presumably we won’t know if he makes a vast profit until he manages to build it and sell it?

Oh he will. You can tell this is all in the bag from how absolutely minimal the mandatory changes to planning are.

Tis an awful country altogether

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Well I don’t owe anyone anything.
I have no issue with the development of Galway, bar this looks like a hideous boil in the bag development like you’d see on the outskirts of Croydon. I have an issue with a lad able to write off hundreds of millions free as a bird though, and go back to doing what he did with a completely clean slate, free of obligation.

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He was getting handsomly paid by Nama too I believe

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That he was.
This development will sell out off the plans, and be highly highly lucrative.

Is there a housing shortage in Galway?

Unbelievable one.

So how would you propose to remedy it?

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Leo Leo Leo

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Soon we will be an industrial behemoth to rival the North of England in the 19th Century or the American mid west in the mid 20th century.

It’s our time time shine.

It’s our time to secede you mean

Quite possibly.

Our glorious new nation could have an economy driven by technological expertise and selling hash.

Plus wind energy and oil exploration. Every base covered. Norway with cead mile ways to squeeze money from tourists.

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I’m looking into housing in Galway now and getting ahead of the gold rush… I might do Athenry as I’ve friends there and it’s served by the motorway and train.

Athenry is east Galway mate. That’s a whole nother thing.