General Election 2016

Bump @Sidney [quote=“The_Most_Infamous, post:2735, topic:21776, full:true”]
Throw up some proper counter policies there @Sidney rather then using some inane fucking sporting analogies.

What are your actual left wing policies? The far left doesn’t have anyway - anti this, anti that what are you for exactly other then mass immigration?, and like it or not Gerry isn’t able to articulate Sinn Fein’s either.

Only will happen if SF finish ahead of FF and Martin gets the bullet as leader.

And Labour get obliterated obviously.

We are talking about Fine Gael today and their economic policies. They are tax and spend.

Are we really going to criticise Fine Gael though for a small dalliance when;

  • Fianna FĂĄil was borne out of a group who refused to accept the will of the people?
  • Sinn FĂ©in did the same until 1986

Both had armies who subverted the democratic will of the people.

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Fine Gael’s army tied 9 young fellas to a landmine and blew them up.

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[quote=“Tim_Riggins, post:2770, topic:21776, full:true”].

We are talking about Fine Gael today and their economic policies. They are tax and spend.

Are we really going to criticise Fine Gael though for a small dalliance when;

  • Fianna FĂĄil was borne out of a group who refused to accept the will of the people?
  • Sinn FĂ©in did the same until 1986

Both had armies who subverted the democratic will of the people.

Call me old-fashioned but I will forever judge Fine Gael by their blueshirt past. Fascism is pure evil.

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Who has the democratic backing of the people?

Which two groups ultimately accepted that the fairy tale that 1,500 lads in the GPO saying they were the one true Government and their Proclamation had to come to an end? That you had to accept democracy?

Both those parties followed a facist path for a time but ultimately saw the light. FG danced around fascism when Dev’s former cronies were attacking their meetings. Ultimately, a true patriot like WT Cosgrave took control and put an end to it.

No, pal. Fine Gael had a party that followed a fascist movement. That’s pretty much the end of it.

Call me old fashioned but I will forever judge individuals, in the here and now, like Gerry Adams who killed civilians because they didn’t agree with their political wishes.

Adams never killed civilians.

Who did he kill?

He never killed anyone.

Tim Parry and Jonathan Ball were civilians

Dunphy’s finest moment.

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Gerry Adams didn’t kill them, pal.

I was just wondering why you specified civilians there. Important to keep up the charade that he wasn’t in the Ra

I specified civilians because you specified civilians.

Who killed them.

You’ve just edited your post to anyone before that. Mask slipped?

The British Government killed them.