Key point being made here about sorting post in Swinford. So key that your man is talking very slowly
“Ensure it’s not left out to tinder.”
Sinn Fein councillor in shock plea to keep it easy for people to collect Social Welfare payments
Hello what have we here. wuwal cwime and wuwal cwiminals
There’s a biddy with the yellow microphone now about to come up with a humdinger I think.
This lad looks like a loonball you’d expect to see telling stories sitting on a stone on Achill or somewhere
Bring back the cat of nine tails. The same backside was never seen a second time.
A Junior Cert student with a speech impediment getting heckled by the shower of roasters
Future is bwite for Sinn Fein.
14 year old Sinn Feiner here.
she must be the last lad’s daughter
That young lad will get some bateing tomorrow
I have a feeling he gets one most days
That was a girl. I think.
Is Nally in the audience.
Listen to this cunt. In the 80s 5 of these cunts and a jcb would put down one pole a day.
Does everyone in Mayo have a speech impediment?
Another fellow worried about wuwal people
If you were lucky.
‘We were forced out of a state job when our company became a semi-state’
Fuck off