General Election 2020 Hub

I thought Kate might hold but I was told Murphy was the party guy and had HG behind him, all his team local activists, Kate had her own team, brought in from outside.

Savage punishment at the polls for repealers like Ruth Coppinger, Catherine Noone, Kate O’Connell etc.

The people have spoken.


Most likely greens in there too I’d say on numbers.

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Lisa Chambers another one you could add to that list. But it would appear that other blots on the copybook locally was a factor there as well.

Quelle surpeeze

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Count 8 from Limerick and Jan is gone. The Greens have taken the lead for fourth. FG get one in. Jan’s votes will decide this now. Between Daly and Leddin less than 200 separating them

He was always safe. You’ll be glad now when Eoin O’B gets the benefit of some of the policies/projects started on his watch

Great to see a moral man toibin back.

Leo the fuckin idiot, went against his own beliefs and got nada support from the twitter brigade for it.

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You forgot the “senior hurling” cliché

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Delighted for them!

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Fuck you Deputy Stagg is gone, the electorate not a fan of unparliamentary language


When O’Donovan got in last night that little gowl McSweeney from the ‘Well, who got in at the local elections last year, made sure to get his very punchable face into the shot for tv purposes.


Gino Kenny and John Curran in a face off for the last seat in Dublin mid-West, as Emer Higgins FG running mates distribution seems to have gotten her over the line. Gogarty’s transfers should break for Gino? 150 between them

What are the updated seat totals looking like?

the electorate have (phoenix) parked him

And their fate was decided on the 8th as well. Sometimes the stars align in a beautiful symmetry


Here’s the Pat Deering elimination

Aylward picked up 355
Murnane O’Connor picked up 2,078
Pope Phelan picked up 3,624
Malcolm picked up 483

Murnane O’Connor and the Pope elected after passing the quota and Malcom is fairly close too. Phelan only has a surplus of 898 and he’s nearly 700 ahead now.

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The electorate got plenty of choice in this election and gave a resounding, decisive answer on Coppinger and co.

@TheUlteriorMotive what’s the mood like around the water coolers of the Big 4 and major law firms this morning?