The Galway Criticism Thread

“Go back to sewer “

Is that far right Gerry Kinneavy character the same person as the referee or is it a different person

Poor Joe getting it again…a milkshake ended up over the English chap…the lad on the end looks like he’s made be there…stupid cunts should fuck off with this shit…no place for it


They’re a thundering disgrace.

No, thank God. One is a ref and the other is the lowest of the low


Joe is a grand lad, a GUFC man too

A bit headstrong but sometimes you need that passion

I had the pleasure of sitting beside him at NUIG’s annual Holocaust lecture back in January, delivered by the excellent Professor William Schabas

Joe Loughnane

The National Party attempted to stand with a racist banner in Eyre Square this evening. “Ireland Belongs to the Irish” is what it read. Their leader Justin Barrett looked me square in the eye and said I wasn’t Irish because I’m half-Pakistani.

Gerry Kinneavy who spoke at that meeting in Oughterard called me a Paki and said I’ll never be Irish. I said that he had deliberately whipped up racial hatred in Oughterard with his words on that night and he said he was glad and he would do it again.

These are neo-nazis. They are fascists. They hate anyone who isn’t like them. They hate Galway for being the most multicultural city in the country. They’re here to stir up trouble in Oughterard tomorrow and to put people in harm’s way at the GARN rally tomorrow.

Within seconds of them unfurling the banner they were challenged by passersby. I encouraged people passing to stand with us and block the banner. More and more did. Justin Barrett was milkshaked as he tried to explain his deep racial hatred for anyone who isn’t white.

The people of Galway forced them to fold up their banner. More and more people came up to them to challenge them. Within 20 minutes there were 10-15 people blocking these 5 fascists. Ten minutes later there were almost 30 of us blocking them. As they folded up their racist banner young Galway people stood on it and said their racism wasn’t welcome here.

A small number of us followed them to their cars. They had the audacity to park in the grounds of Galway City Council. A young man stood with us watching them - he’d never done anything like this before but as he said: “I’m born and raised in this city, some of my friends are not white, these racists are not welcome here.”

I’m still processing all this. The level of racist abuse they aimed at me and some Canadians and Germans who stood with us was simply shocking. I’m honestly traumatised by it. The only thing keeping me going was the simply outstanding level of solidarity from people passing by who stood in the pouring rain with us. That’s the real Galway.

They are here to infiltrate Oughterard tomorrow morning. They have already been active in Oughterard these past few weeks. I’m going to be honest here…the protest movement in Oughterard needs to be doing more to root these people out. I’ve had some amazing phone calls and conversations with people in Oughterard who support GARN’s work but I’m still being told that within FB groups, FB pages and Twitter feeds, that the racist lies the National Party would support are still being said straight out or being sneakily regarded.

One last time…stand with the Galway Anti Racism Network tomorrow. I met people tonight who will be there because they saw with their own eyes what real racism is.

Noel Grealish, Fine Gael, the Department of Justice and the Reception and Integration Agency have created the environment for this hate to fester.

Asylum seekers are welcome in Galway. These fascists never will be.

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I slag off Galway a lot for forum purposes but I will say this in all seriousness

Galway City has always been welcoming to immigrants

Something like 20% of the population here are immigrants who originally come from outside Ireland

And if you include the immigrants from Ireland itself, the non-native population is a lot, lot higher

And that has been an immense benefit to this city


Yeah, sad to see this shite going on

I worked indirectly with him a few years back

Gerry Keneavy absolutely rode us in a schools all ireland semi final. It was the most biased display of refereeing I’ve ever been subjected to and it still rankles with me.

These fucking oddball Connies. They should observe the life that an influx of Brazilians brought to that shithole of a town, Gort. It’s been a wonderful success.

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Would the Brazilians ever go for a pint?

Yes, salsa and choro are massive here

A quare breed, the connie.

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Rarely enough, they generally mix within themselves but they integrate well too. Good sense of humour and good work ethic.

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And the jet black heads on a few lads at the end of the banner… which might suggest their forefathers escaped off a slave ship many moons ago :rofl:

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The mutants in that video could badly do with some genetic diversity

Fair play to the Galway people for running these cunts out of town.

Woukd he be anything to kinneavys pub?
The lad that wrote that sounds a bit of a virtue signaller all the same. Hoping to get laid I’d say.