General Election 2020 Hub

These are rookie mistakes, you shouldn’t still be making them as a seasoned TFK poster.


Do they know she supports Chip in the hurling I wonder?

McWilliams idea of fencing off road tax income (circa 1 billion) to cover cost of free public transport (600 million) seems like a good one.

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Everyone pays 10 Euro subscription fee per year to active their card, free travel for the year with card… Bank the 10-20m you generate from this and build a reserve.

Yeah - but presumably seeing as it’s being used for something else at the moment it would need to be replaced by other taxation. Not saying this shouldn’t happen but it would seem that the general view of the Irish electorate is that they’re not keen on paying for stuff and would prefer someone else would instead (cc any water protestor)

Conjestion charges in cities? Might partially cover it

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Yeah - I think you need to use a mix of carrot and stick to get people to change away from personal car.

You also need a huge capital investment in capacity - that’s difficult to roll out quickly and may be the main limiting factor

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Green Party manifesto is terrific. Just the right blend of specific details with strategic ambition.


Do those figures allow for the increased frequency required if everyone used it? Is the Luas and Dart not already operating at capacity at peak times? Congestion charges wouldnt be fair outside of Dublin, unless proper park and ride facilities were put in place at the regional cities

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Green manifesto has a commitment to a 2:1 public transport : roads ratio. With 10% each reserved for cycling and walking.

VRUs all over Ireland need to vote Green

Greens are promising free walking for everyone.

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That’s an election winner but it’s obviously bullshit. How are they going to guarantee that? Are they going to take on Larry Goodman?

They’re just promising the world now, comes across as completely desperate but it will probably work.

how many farmers in oireland?

never forget guys

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wtf is a suckler cow?

She is the production unit for Ireland’s beef industry… producing a calf every year and possibly 10-12 in her lifetime. The value of her off spring has dropped over recent years and the cost of feeding her has risen so the 200 euro is a subsidy to keep the industry alive.