General Election 2020 Hub

It appears Jackie Cahill FF is knocking on doors requesting that potential voters desist from voting No1 for either of his running mates ( both female ) by warning that people need to forget them if they want the next Minister For Agriculture to be a Tipperary man. :smiley:

This gormless fuckwit voted confidence in government unconditionally and passed an IFA picket at a Beet plant many moons ago.
FF must have the worst collection of cunts running imaginable.

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Is he related to the journalist?

Remind me?

Marian Harkins is deadly for waving her hands.


She should have stayed retired. Has put the fox into the henhouse in the constituency. She’s from your neck of the woods originally isn’t she??

Shes from Sligo but was married in Manor for years till her husband had a heart attack and died a fairly young man.Id say shes a shoe in to be honest.

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Is that frog spawn she’s covered in?

Always makes sense to vote. You’d never know when you might need a favour.

Kevin Cunningham’s rule of thumb is that FF outperform their polls by four points and Sinn Fein underperform their polls by four points. Sinn Fein do seem to be picking up unexpected momentum now but I think they’ll be ding well to even match their 2016 vote share. What I find very interesting here is the Green vote. Will it hold up in reality? At the last election the Greens got 2.7%. If they actually get 8%, I believe they’re on target to outperform all expectations in terms of seat numbers, especially given that they will be very transfer friendly.

That must be a mug left over from the marriage referendum

Could someone please post the great Una Mullally’s piece from this morning’s Irish Times?


Let me guess SF bashing?

The opposite I think — she’s calling out the bashers…

Can someone post up the exceptional Una Mullay’s piece in today’s IT?



By god

Anyone hear Shane on newstalk earlier analysing Limerick city?

He called it 2 FF, 1 FG and JOS to edge out Mossie and Greens for 4th seat. I have to say I think he’s well off the mark and guilty of wishful thinking.