General Election 2020 Hub

Never knew that. Valuable detail

Aontu are the answer here . Get them in as a +1

Half of them will fuck off to Australia when qualified

Was I right in hearing earlier that the Greens want to build light rail systems in Cork and Galway.

No mention of Limerick though? Presume I am mistaken.

That place is hot enough, there is fucking years of work here upgrading our freezer box houses.

Specific support for light rail in Cork and Galway and a review of all derelict railway lines around the country to reinstate them.

Plus trialling a €365 annual public transport card.


I’ll have a word with Brian Leddin when he comes to the door, ignoring Limerick/mid west like that isnt going to do them any favours I would say.

Good points in the green manifesto in regards making airlines carbon offset and also re “public” housing

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They should build public housing on public land

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Great news. If ever a fella needed carbon offsets, it’s you.

It’s highly dubious. The actual figure for control of the lever is 81. The big 2 are likely to be 20 or so above that (or thereabouts). If you’ve had your snout in the trough, or at least able to see the steaks, you’re unlikely to doddle off, now are you.

Much the same 15 selected, different players and Champ with the armband. Think Jordan Henderson here, toiling away in midfield for years and suddenly… Bazoom…

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Will the greens put the kibosh on loads of planned greenway projects to resurrect disused rail lines…eeeeeek


Weird that this doesn’t happen already

Could the parents who don’t want their kids to be academically successful not just send them to an Educate Together school?


Irish Mail on Sunday poll also out today

Fianna Fáil 27 (+2 since November)
Fine Gael 22 (-6)
Sinn Féin 20 (+5)
Greens 10 (+3)
Labour 6 (+1)
Social Democrats 3
Solidarity-PBP 1 (-2)
Aontú 1 (+1)
Independents 11 (-5)

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How does the MOS carry out a poll? Pop into the closest Paddy Powers of a Monday morning?

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The polls seem to have settled down with the original Sunday Times one being an outlier

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There is very little benefit for a primary school child doing home work - reading is what should be encouraged up to maybe 5th/6th class.


I don’t really care about facts mate. I was just having a pop off a group I perceive to be a bit different.