General Election 2020 Hub

Clare Byrne is out of her depth here. A bizarre way to start the show.

Was just gonna say the same thing. Vincenzo should be chairing this

Got a feeling RBB will steal the show tonight

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Mary Lou was weak there. Should have referenced the developers in tents dictating Fianna Fáil policy. And SF have committed to reviewing the Special Criminal Court process - again something she should have referenced but she got very defensive very quickly.


The butter box needed

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Here RBB, iron your fucking shirt!

Got a feeling that the one thing Mary Lou and the fringe had going for them, that they weren’t ever heard might evaporate their bump

Howlin is shocking. Complete disaster of a political leader.

This is going on for two hours. No shape on it. There should be time limits on some of it and no interruptions insisted upon.

Labour and barrett fighting over the scraps

“They liked the cut of your jib, Eamon. Who do you fancy there on the stage?”

What sort of moronic opening question is that to a party leader?


Ask about the wolves!

Imagine, this is our choice right here in front of us

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They make Boris look like a statesman

Are they gonna ask policy questions

Leo might well come out on top here by saying absolutely nothing


Roisin Shorthall is a good politician.

Stuck to her principles while working with Reilly and chaired the whole Slainte Care plan.


If Louise spent less on fake tan she’d be well able to afford a house

Hello Louise :heart_eyes:


The camera angle on howlins height will ruin his political career

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