General Election 2020 Hub

Lovely lady with a dodgy accent asking the first question from the audience.

MM is quite tall tbf.

The fact he is a watery cunt has done that already

Louise is the only winner so far tonight


Louise would get it.

Martin is speaking well.

Howlin is a tiny little fella. Never realised until you see him lined up with some normal sized humans.


Martin is being very aggressive in this campaign so far. He has a short memory.

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He’s getting away with it. Leo has been advised to be statesmanlike while the rest combust

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Are the socialists going after Mary Lou ??

Ryan has done well on housing there. Actually came across as having expertise on alternatives. Cost rental is definitely part of the way forward.

Martin is being instructed to refer to Varadkar as ‘Leo’ obviously,

Not working for Leo in the polls though. FF voters don’t mind a snarly fucker.

Meehawl coming out throwing jabs tonight after his watery display in the first debate.

Mary Lou is always good value for a military metaphor. We’ve already had “sniping” and “crossfire” - I wonder where she picked that up :man_shrugging:

I’m nodding with agreement here

What else is he going to call him? Bridie?

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Leaders questions in the Dail have been flinging those jibes her party’s way for years.

Deputy Varadkar would be more respectful.

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I suppose if they did things like ditching provo links etc they mightn’t irk Shinners like yourself so much so

Frodo tryin very hard here