General Election 2020 Hub

I’m not a Shinner at all. Just hate ignorance disguised as arrogance.

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Roisin nailing the problem there

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This one is on the ball.

Tremendous performance so far.

Roisin good there.

Leo weak in response.

She caught Leo by the nuts there and gave them a good aul squeeze

RBB cleaning house

The peoples Taoiseach


Facts. The banks getting away with murder with regards to housing crisis

Its back in fashion in a big way. Just ask the yanks and Brits

Marylu a great person for describing problems in detail. Detail on solution not so much - much better just lash out a vague slogan

Its just leo bashing now with no real answers

I don’t a have a favorite Mary Lou angle but this angle is not good.
She’s speaking pretty well all the same.

Eamon Ryan isn’t the full shilling

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A wild pull on Meehawl from Mary Lou.

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Knockout blow delivered by Mary Lou to Martin.

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The banks argument is they need to balance their balance sheets. The reality though is they fucked up so badly via tracker mortgages - its disgraceful that as publicaly owned institutions they’ve been allowed to penalise people for their mistakes from 10 years ago.


Leo saying fuck all until he can talk about Brexit.

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