General Election 2020 Hub

There is no doubt that FF and FG are trying to marginalise SF. They are the biggest threat to their way of life.

It’s like the US going to war in Vietnam.

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Is that a clever way of saying FFG will deploy agent orange on the shinners?

Sure we all know that.

Very good.

I think FG are more open to a deal with SF rather than FF. There seems to be less barbs out of them about the IRA past which is a drum Martin keeps on banging. with FG its a more soft approach that could be worked with.


A lot of people saying Mary Lou ‘won’ last night … not sure about that myself. She landed some hay makers alright - but Leo - RBB - and Roisin were arguably better on specifics. Just reinforces that it’s not really about the issues but about put downs and point scoring.

How come Mary Lou keeps referring to blue collar workers? Obviously they have support in more working class areas, but surely a lot of professional people would be voting for them too…

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I think the soft approach is deliberate by FG in this campaign as is FF’s aggressive one.

Both looking to achieve the same outcome but going about it in different ways. So I wouldn’t necessarily read too much into that.

Fianna Fail and Sinn Fein are fishing in the same pool for votes which is why they’re going after each other. Few people are considering a choice between Fine Gael and Sinn Fein.


Apart from certain highly respected Wexford TFK posters.

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Taking into account his performance with Renua, John Drennan should wind his fat, sneering, sarcastic fat neck in.


Drennan famously called that Adams would lose his seat in Louth in 2011, I think he got a quota on count 1 !


Adams didn’t have a seat to lose on 2011 election but the broad truss of your point stands .

A man with his finger on the pulse.

Noone was a cheerleader for the repeal campaign, no wonder she holds such a dim view of those with a disability like autism.


Surprised to hear that. Maybe you’re mistaken. She’s a big gaelic football fan.


I don’t think autism is classed as a disability. Noone was actually pretty impressive during the 8th Amendment campaign. But she has a tendency to shoot her mouth off without thinking. She’d hardly be unique in that. This story is a load of nothing.

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That Noone wan deserves a toe up the hole.

Noone is the type of pro abortion nutcase that wants to deny the right to life to kids with disabilities. No surprise to see her crass autism comments.


66% of the voters are nutcases in your view then.