General Election 2020 Hub

Have FG now completely overtaken FF for fielding loads of absolute headbangers?

[quote=“chocolatemice, post:2982, topic:29733”]

I’m no Mary Lou or SF fan, as you might have gathered, but the Indo notion that Martin was the best performer in the debate is mad stuff


This is the problem with gender quotas lads.

Pat Kenny had Peader Tobin on this morning in an attempt at a very one sided take down of SF.

I don’t mind Kenny, but his anti SF bias is ridiculous.

The indo didn’t even put this behind their paywall so everyone could get a read.

The essence is that basically SF operate a party whip system, like eh all other parties.

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SF have the establishment running scared.

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It’s a bit more than that though? In other parties the whip is operated by other elected officials i.e. party leader/front bench.

The Greens may well take votes off him.

His MO in the area is the “environment” and bus timetables for old ones living on Monkstown Farm. The Greens will have stolen a march on him there.

Will Devlin really overtaken Hanafin? There was 3% between them last time. She still has a lot of support around the Blackrock area and I don’t subscribe to the idea that she won’t transfer well. Devlin is a moron but works hard in fairness.

Will be interesting to see how Barry Ward gets on, a good guy overall. But it a mistake by FG running 3 there I think.

He’s a great man to maintain support for crazies and racists.

All parties are run by a load of cunts running around at the back, spin doctors, party elders etc. none of whom are elected.

Didn’t PJ Mara run the country for decades.

There’s a person who can’t be named who has bought the current government and has them twisting all sorts of policies in his favour.

FF has an ard chomhairle as well and that never gave anyone pause for thought for the last 100 years.


I daresay this has done her profile no harm. Noone [sic] had heard of her before today

But there’s no bogey man in the shadows like you’d have us believe — it’s all very transparent and above board for everyone to see… It’s an elected group to ensure members are adhering to the beliefs/policies of the party… They dont have to run every decision by them ffs. They’re basically quality control.

Grand so. Don’t be so sensitive then - people might think you’re uncomfortable about it and have something to hide

This Ard Chomairle stuff bemuses me. People are free to join Sinn Féin and may attend the Ard Fheis (annual assembly/convention for non-gaeilge readers amongst us). The Ard Fheis then vote on and elect an Ard Chomhairle (national executive committee) to form and try to implement policy.

@anon61878697 I presume members can propose new/amended policies at their local cumanns and get them added to the Ard Fheis programme where they may be ratified or rejected.

It seems democratic enough to me or do the Ard Chomhairle go off on complete solo runs?

Don’t other parties have national executive committees?

Micheál Martin and his FF (unelected, shadowy) advisers are trying to paint a picture of a load of ex Ra heads in a smoke filled room in a west Belfast sheebeen having the ultimate authority to sign off on SF policy.

There’s footage of a SF Ard Chomhairle meeting doing the rounds on twitter this morning. As a 32-county party the room includes the likes of Michelle O’Neill, John O’Dowd, Michelle Gildernew from the o6, the TDs, the likes of Senators Rose Conway-Walsh and Padraig Mac Lochlainn who were unsuccessful in the last Dail campaigns and then some more local councillor and adviser types.


I’m fine with it. It’s others who have an issue with it… lads with autism cant get their heads around it.


Sounds to me like the labour party is run by a secretive cabal of unelected officials.

Central Council

The Central Council is responsible for the development, formulation and publication of Party policies and for ensuring participative, focused and results-oriented debate throughout the Party on matters of policy. It approves election manifestos and, following a general election, it must approve any political strategy proposed by the Party Leader in negotiations on the formation of a government.

The Central Council is composed of a delegate from each Constituency Council and Party Section, the members of the Executive Board, three co-opted members and an elected staff representative.

The Central Council meets every quarter, except during the quarter in which Party Conference is held, and it also operates through a number of committees such as the Policy Committee and the International Affairs Committee. Meetings of the Central Council are presided over by the Party Chairperson.


Commie bastards … you know Cuba and Russia are in there somewhere.

Not a peep out of @Juhniallio - very telling.

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So we know the alliance of the ultra Catholics and the roasters and the corrupt businessmen are running FF, who’s running FG that’s what I’d like to know.