General Election 2020 Hub


I’ll say this for Leo, he’s the only one who can actually smile into a camera. Ryan and Martin are gone full Monty Burns there, they look in absolute pain trying to force it.

RBB dropped a bomb - those vegan burgers are dog rough.

You can see Claire backing away and Mary Lou knows something is cooking. You’d have to commend Leo there for keeping it together. Poor Howlin and Martin are almost mutated from it.




I’d like to give your paper a quote to the effect that I’m very annoyed at the GAA.

Oh, what over Ms Noone?

I’d rather not say

This has to be the most fucking boring election campaign in history

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I’ve seen and heard a fair few similar comments, but I’m actually enjoying it.

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I just can’t see anything other than ff being propped up by fg this time. And it’s glaringly obvious by the polls.

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How many elections didnt give us a FF or FG governemt?

I know, but there always seemed to be a bit of bite to previous campaigns. This one just seems dead

Huh? @tallback has cut the back off me at every opportunity.

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The previous ones were either referendum or austerity elections. We’re all flying it now. Doesn’t matter who is in power, the good times are never stopping bro.

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True. Never really looked at it that way

Good policy choices can only emerge through robust debate bro

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Ah, it’s a two way street kid. Shur, I wouldn’t feel oppressed if you weren’t attacking me.

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This is like that Cowboys character from Father Ted
“Oh I could have done it much better for half the price”

I thought Noone might be a dark horse in DBN after her work on the repeal campaign, but holy fuck what a dope.

The N word :smile: :smile: :smile:

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Finian McGrath, not running of course, made on a comment on Noone’s autistic comment.

‘People with autism need to be treated equally’.

Thanks for imparting that knowledge Finian.

He’s not wrong