General Election 2020 Hub

It’s absurdly stupid. I mean how thick you have to be to immediately think of that as an example. And then the “Oh my God I’m a bit special!” is equally funny. What a fucking thing to say to a journalist.

The only negative on this is the frustration of the media outlets who are still talking about the autism comments as though that is the story.

You’d have to question the competence of an organisation that would rise an ape like Noone to the level she’s at



The entire 8th referendum needs to be revisited after Catherine Noone’s comments.


Interesting constituency poll though these tend to be more volatile and unreliable at that level

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Extra few euro for you @anon61878697

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If 42 euro a week doesn’t buy them a few votes I don’t know what will.

An additional €42 per week to sign on is a cracking initiative.

Ireland: the best small country in the world to be on the dole.


I’ll have the resignation letter on standby for my employer for when Sinn Fein get in to government.

It may cost them a few votes. Depends who turns up to vote

Will Jarry’s holiday home in Donegal suffer the second home charge?

It’d make me think twice.

Anyone able to copy and paste up their reasoning behind €42? @anon61878697?

To encourage those on the dole to get off their arses for an hour and vote?


Wow, very right wing of you.

What do you think of the extra 42 euro @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy ?

Where are they getting the figure 42 from?

The 42 quid will go on fags so won’t cost us working non smoking tax payers anything.


It’s great that they’re taxing the fags, doesn’t impact on straight people.


Its mad that the lads on the dole are so lazy that they won’t even bother voting for that.