General Election 2020 Hub

Varadkar and Mary Lou would make a great double act I think


Martin is getting pretty rattled this week. Accusing politicians of politicising things seems a bit odd, particularly when he’s wandering around politicising each and every thing to anyone who’ll listen

He won’t last the next 10 days at this rate

Just noticed a lady that was my supervisor in my first job eons ago is running in Cork.

FFS He is out to 4/1, about time he got a few more of his lads to drum up publicity by defacing more posters.

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A Rate My Pothole website would be great.

Phil Hogan could have kept his head down but it is true that phase 2 negotiations are going to be more difficult than what’s gone beforehand.
It’s still highly probable those thicks across the Sea are going to inflict pain upon our economy in the belief they can paddle their own canoe peacefully in European markets.

The thoughts of Martin & Co batting for the nation doesn’t bear thinking about.

How many times will Martin have a go at SF tonight??

It’s a two way street in fairness

He has single handily gone from being the Saving Face of FF to the dunce who can’t steer the ship into the empty docks.

FF really should be dialling this one in so to speak but their Leader is actually a hindrance to them at the moment. That’s an amazing feat considering the absolute dross in his party.


Who else have they got though?.Hes done after this.

the intro

Poor Howlan stood beside Long Leo

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This PBP lad could be interesting

Leo with plenty of hand movement… He’s off the spectrum.

Micheál not taking no shit from Matt

He watched back his performance the other night and he puked I’d say.

Having two moderators is a bit mad really. Already enough people trying to speak without Ivan Yates piping up every 5 seconds.


Hard to take all the shouting and roaring