General Election 2020 Hub

This Is like a hurling match with two overly fussy referees in charge. No flow to it.

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This mentaller is the only draw here

People in their 40s and 50s owning a house. Wow


Shows how irrelevant this lad is that they’re not even picking him up on his 17 billionaires comment

Martin is rattled to fuck

Who’s this bug eyed lunatic that thinks student’s should be given houses?

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who the fuck are you??

Two question marks would suggest that you’re rattled within an inch of your life.


welcome home bud.

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I’m just recovered from a mental breakdown.


just in time for another one watching this.


This appears a pig’s head of a debate

Mary Lou, stop the builders building commercial property, make them build houses.

Cooper and Yates are the worst Irish TV presenting pairing since Niall Quinn and Andy Townsend during the 1998 World Cup.

Giving an actual timeline is a nonsense

Leo owns up to RIC fuck up

Leo turned into a stuttering fuck when he is asked to explain Blackntangate

Mary Lou sidling up to Leo