General Election 2020 Hub

Looking at the demographic figures over the last few weeks, not just Red C, is interesting.

It would seem with young voters SF is their party of choice. Between 35 and 50 less so, although Red C is different and then over 55 some voters become more socially conscious yet not SF, historic reasons.

This probably relates to some young people realising with mental rents they are broke and cant save and they will never be able to buy a house. Between 35 - 55, people with children are brainwashed to think SF will crucify them with tax, which is incorrect, but they don’t really give a shite about anyone coming behind them because they have at least a roof over their head, although they are running on the spot just to pay a mortgage, child care etc.

Over 55 become more socially conscious as they look around the house and realise their children will be living with them for the foreseeable or if they do move out will be paying massive rents and wont be able to buy a house.

If SF are excluded from government again and the shit continues they could become they only party that can ever achieve an overall majority. FF will never do it again and FG will never do it.


A couple of years in power, with the associated inevitable compromises/mistakes/scandals would be the best way to dissuade the electorate from the idea that SF are some type of magic bullet solution to all their problems.


Sinn Fein At The Gate is the headline on the Indi App :grinning:


You’re seething.

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Richie has got this

Not really.

Agree, I think if SF were in government they would be very pragmatic in dealing with the various establishment bodies. I just thought as a mad outside bet the next party to have an overall majority could be SF.

In fairness to SF they are pragmatic and they aren’t against business, they are also not against developers. They have realised that developers cant build affordable apartments and houses, with all the building regulations, if they have huge land costs and their own profit to make.

What they have said is builders, not developers, should build houses on public land. The builders still get their profit circa 15%, they’d get this off the developer anyway. The developers can continue to build houses which the first time buyer can eventually move onto as in normal markets. We just need to get out of the current log jam and by building affordable houses on public land it will also bring down rents which will assist in people saving to buy a house.

There also has to be some planning rules. There are loads of houses in Dunshaughlin build by a certain developer that didn’t sell and the council are reported to have bought them. These houses are small and have fuck all garden. If Dubs move to the country, even if Dunshaughlin is 5 mins from Blanchardstown they want to feel they have a bit of space. The planners have to implement some type of rules.

Its like building apartments in Kinnegad or worse Drumod. Jaysus the place is surrounded by green fields and they built apartments which are now shitholes.

You’d swear FFG have been faultless in gov the way some people sre posting here.

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This FFG thing is taking off online for you, I couldn’t be prouder

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What’s SF policy on the Apple tax case? If in power would they drop it and take the cash?

That could have been written 2 weeks ago. Nothing to see here

Absolutely not. Lots of mistakes made. The notion that no good has been done is also mistaken though.

Juliette Gash is a tremendous name

Builders get 15% profit ? :rofl:

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Who are these horrible fucks? Never heard of them until I saw a flyer in the letterbox. Absolute scum.

Please tell me Sean O’ Linnean is a descendant of Sylvie Linnane…

Anti abortion and pro death penalty are two of their 9 core principles.

You literally could not make it up.