General Election 2020 Hub

What’s the story with the SDLP? Are they in partnership with FF or what? A load of them were canvassing with Aodhan O’Riordain yesterday and Claire Hanna was doing likewise for Neale Richmond of FG today.

John McGuinness showing the knee to SF…Mickey Martin won’t be happy…interesting week ahead.

O’Cuiv and the rest of the party can’t be happy with Claire Hanna on the canvass with Labour’s Nash and Neale Richmond.

Jaysus could we see a Trevor Sargeant type deal or does Martin want the top job too much…


Mary Lou will not be the next Taoiseach, SF don’t have enough candidates and can win only 30 seats on a very good day for them

Best result for Mary Lou is that RTE say they are not going to invite her to the debate. Then she won’t have to defend SF policies and she can play the victim. Win win for her.


How many candidates do Sinn Fein have running?

40 or there abouts

They have no business so in a debate involving the putative next Prime Minister. Sinn Fein will not be heading up the next government.

As I lie here in bed because I’m working from home following Super Bowl Sunday, even though I didn’t bother watching the Super Bowl, the Sinn Féin message is really resonating with me. Us ordinary workers deserve a break. Vótáil Sinn Féin.


Sinn Fein to win 21 seats.

An analyst on the radio said even SF have been caught on the hop by the polling and that if the numbers hold up they will basically be giving away seats by not running candidates or only running one candidate in certain constituencies.

He reckoned O’Snodaigh would have 2.5 quotas and no running mate to transfer to. They had been deselecting candidates up until a few weeks ago.

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That was Fionnan Sheehan of the Irish Independent desperate to have a cut at SF.


True , but he was probably right . He got the barb in with the reference to the MMA fighter ( that seems ages ago now )

Varadkar on Sean O’Rourke. He’s right about pensions but it won’t win an election.

Populism means we won’t tackle the pension issue. When it was introduced people did not live much beyond 65. The truth is the age has to increase to make it sustainable.

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Is MaryLou been interviewed by Dobbo tonight?

Varadker is trying to speak plainly, is he embarrassed over the promise to abolish the usc FG ran with and abandoned? On claire byrne i think last week she asked him, if the economic situation changes, will some of your election promises have to be looked at again. His reply was of course, if the situation changes we’ll have to react. Thats an obvious and honest answer but was portrayed as already rowing back from election promises. Im not sure the honest approach is doing him any good politically, the money tree is a better sell for morons

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Leo goes low


A Tour de France from Leo.

Not sure it will make a blind bit of difference. We’ve an electorate that elects Shane Ross and Healy Rae.