General Election 2020 Hub

In actual fact the role of the Cumainn, it’s effect and it’s executive, are suspended once a General Election is called. The Capo de Tutti capo role becomes the mantle of the Constituency Director of Elections. The rest of the organisation can think what they like, the power rests with the DOE, the candidate and the inner circle.

In fairness to Martin, he has been carrying FF on his back for years but has looked a beaten docket on this campaign. Jim O’Callaghan is the only front liner they have who is properly fit to face the media. Stephen Donnelly would have been fit for purpose if he hadn’t built his political career on being a candidate of change and then turned around and joined FF, so he’s a beaten docket.

After O’Callaghan, FF are scrambling for people who aren’t immediately repellent. Lisa Chambers and Thomas Byrne are about the best they can come up with. Willie O’Dea perhaps in a Marty Morrissey “ah sure he’s been around so long he’s a national institution in a figure of fun sort of way”.

Incredibly, Timmy Dooley is also towards the top echelon of publicly presentable FFers.

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I’m in the business of winning elections. He’s the best choice to confront the spoofing being advocated by contrarian opponents. Less aggressive approach, backed up by reasonable argument. FF need a steadying front man, calm assurdness with solid economic foundations will win this election, not promises of €40 a week more dole…

Was just wondering who makes the decision on which way to jump.

Definitely. He did a very good job until this election

Your point about the 81 seats and the maths is true - but would you not agree that Martin has left himself (personally more than the party) very little wriggle room with respect to Sinn Fein?

If it wasn’t for Martin’s leadership in the 2015 and 2018 referendums FF would no longer be a viable party, they’d have been a cesspit.

They are, were and always will be a cesspit bit rural inbred hicks will always vote for them. It’s no surprise to see that it’s the southern rednecks in Munster who continue to vote FF.

Indisputable. But there again I go back to the seat numbers. I find and believe that, on current polls, anything beyond a FF lead administration is inconcieveable.
The figures don’t lie. 55/45/25 and where’s the Government?

An administraton of 55+25+like-minded is eminently undesirableable.

Agreed about FF led being most likely. Where do you see it land gov wise then? FG confidence & supply?

FG are absolutely screwed if that happens.

I’d tend to agree - why do it?

The problem for them is that they’ve just come out of such an arrangement with FF propping them up and they’d look opportunistic and like sore losers if they didn’t return the favour. But if they do enter such an arrangement they’re looking at wipeout next time, 25-30 seats max.

FF can get away with things that FG can’t. It’s always been the way.

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That’s the way I’d see it. On a personal note and completely off the grid, I’d be hugely into a FF/SF coalition. If that was accessible via a 56/26 overall majority and they agreed terms I’d be well pleased. The business of a United Ireland could then be pushed forward with a unified resolve.
It might take 20 years to combine beliefs and aspirations but these are lake Saturdays in golf… Moving days. Eírn go brath!!!


And you even omitted Butler and Chambers.

Inadvertently ended up at a “rally” for an independent tonight. There’s some fairly mad people out there.

It started with a recitation of Parcel of Rogues, 15 minutes of “I’m not a racist but…” style stuff, a tribute to Donald Trump, a tribute to Melania Trump, a tribute for the great Gaddafi,
a rousing tribute to Charles Haughey, before finally concluding by singing Spancil Hill.

Fantastic entertainment.

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Con ??

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I was in Wexford today. You couldn’t but notice the catchy slogan Verona has on her posters.

what a woeful and uninformative post


He is quite the character .