General Election 2020 Hub

People in Tipperary don’t ring an ambulance.

They ring Michael Lowry.


Mary lou has also been talking about apprenticships… Another point she should talk up…its cheap labour and in 5/6/7 years they will have added x amount of qualified trades people back into the Irish economy… Play up the prudent nature of a long term vision while also recruiting trades people for the here and now…just show up Martin’s short term vision really.

That doesn’t sound like something that will have a dramatic immediate impact on capacity. It actually sounds like the waffly answer you give when you know there is an issue but want to throw something out to sound like you have a solution

And the extra dole money. Thats prudent long term vision because…

I think the construction sector has been building again since the crash. These things all take time.

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Because unemployed people can’t survive on 200 a week?

You love a good dole outburst.

I didn’t hear him flesh it out but I wondered about the cooperation of said builders if any extra output put them over the proposed new tax thresholds but I only fleetingly wondered it and haven’t made any effort to explore either.

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Whos not surviving on it?

You get very touchy when SFs populism gets questioned

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Tom Parland will be in difficult spot over this sf housing policy. Torn between his hatred of them and what’s potentially great for the organization he fronts.

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Not at all… You’re the one getting worked up because people are not voting establishment.

No you said people aren’t surviving on 200 a week dole. Whos not surviving?

Populism in other countries - Trump, Johnson, Brexit

Not a surprise we are seeing our own populism here with rise of Sinn Fein and their promises of lots of houses, cheaper rents, better healthcare, more dole, pension age stay same, tax cuts, no more property tax all to be funded by cutting pension relief for middle income workers and taxing business and employment providers that can slowly or quickly leave the country or reduce their operations here in a global economy.

Be interesting to see how they perform in government now.

Increasing dole by 25 per cent in a time of full employment is complete auction politics and populism.

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I’m off for a swim with my daughter and a full body massage and facial. I’ll catch you later.

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It reads very well when they’re all listed side by side.

I haven’t heard anyone yet that would allow a poor fella drive with a few drinks in him.


It’s our Brexit. Let’s just get it done.

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Parlon surely?

Healy Rae as transport Minister in a grand coalition makes sense


Or Mattie McGrath.

He once said that drink driving is particularly important for nervous (i.e. bad) drivers to allow them to relax.