General Election 2020 Hub

If SF got into power it could trigger a huge change in irish politics. For the past 100 years there been power swopped and now shared by two entirely centrist parties, not right wing as much as the woke brigade wish was the case. But if a left wing party forms government, even as junior to FF will the gloves go off for FG, will they think they dont have to keep centrist anymore and can go right as many including leo would i wager like to, knowing that when the SF magic money tree gets hit by lightning the electorate will eventually swing back their way.

I think the PR system mitigates against any real chance of that as parties have to be somewhere towards the Centre for transfers.

It would be interesting to see what a more left government with SF would achieve or seek to do. The risk is they startle the multinationals and then it could get messy.

True but righter i meant not full republican party.
This is starting to feel like


All parties are making these promises. FF and FG have a track record in failing to deliver on them though.

Danny is ear marked for Environment

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Looks really legit :roll_eyes:

Ergo they’ll have to get in a load of Eastern European labourers, thereby putting pressure on current rental space. There are a couple of construction sites down around Smithfield Luas stop there and also in the general Dublin1/Dublin 7 area and I’d hazard a good guess that most of the lads on the sites are immigrants. I’ve no issue with this but I do have an issue with Martin making a claim about running courses solving the labour problem in construction. It’s airy fairy rubbish

I thought that was proven to be a lie in the last debate?

Contracts will be won by European companies
Who will import the workers and pay them poorly
Paddy doesn’t want to get his hands dirty anymore

And house those workers where?

Huts on the site I reckon
To be fair to me I haven’t thought this through at all

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That’s grim

Possibly? I missed the start of it, as I was watching Love Island. Or are you referring to Yates windmilling and talking shite about the department?

I lived in a caravan on a building site in London for 3 months with 6 other builders. It did me no harm.


Lowry turned the sod on a big new development in Thurles last week in fairness

I’m imagining a grand realignment.
Leo takes the Tory lite faction of FG out to the right, takes the few FF that maybe that way inclined with him
Paschal takes the centrist crew of FG and amalgamates with the bulk of FF, all but the very derious backwoodsmen
Sinn Fein split into two factions, the SDLP like crowd which cannibalizes the remains of Labour and the Soc Dems and maybe a few of the softer hard lefts and a republican/right faction which can take the FF backwoodsmen/Aontu/Renua etc
The hard/hard left stays as is
Greens stay green, some might be tempted into the centreleftsinnfeinrump, don’t know what to call them


Were you with McAlpine’s Fusiliers?



FG going to change tack and go after Martin now according to Virgin Media chap quoting FG source. Click into first tweet to read thread.

I think @chocolatemice speculated on that a few posts up… Leo knows he’s not getting the SF vote and Mick Martin is having a mare.

SF and FG next gov.