General Election 2020 Hub

They test on animals mate . I’d hope you wouldn’t be buying their products

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And I say that as an asexual mama’s boy.

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He’s a smug looking fucker and I don’t like him as he’s one of the brigade that wear a polo shirt with the top button closed underneath a sports jacket / blazer. You can’t be putting lads like that in charge of important decisions. I’d bet he has a pair of pointy shoes on too out of view and a pair of jeans too short for him with ankles on view.

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The Greens really are Care Bears aren’t they - “Why do you all get upset at each other about policies - why can’t we all hug and be friends” :joy::joy::joy:


He’d remind you of the lads on here who make a point and then repeat that point for 6 or 7 paragraphs with slightly different words and then finish off with a bit of whataboutery and introducing a few more points in another meandering paragraph or two.


I like this green one, she’s balanced. Who is she?

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Cheers mate

Catherine Martin. She covers whatever constituency Sandyford is in

Her mouth isnt



Deputy Leader Catherine Martin. She’s a TD in Dublin Rathdown, 3-seater with Shane Ross and Josepha Madigan as the other sitting TDs.



Braces obviously not carbon neutral

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Good fuck! I noticed it but I didn’t mention it because it could have been caused by illness.

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Glad to be in a constituency that will elect a Green TD.

Time we rise above the noise and clatter of temporal issues and focus on temperature issues.

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@massey give me a call tomorrow, this retrofit crack seems to be the next gravy train


I’ve had dealings with all 3 TD’s in that constituency in the last 3 years and I would class them all as being as completely useless as each other

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The greens have been the biggest disappointment in this election. They have one big ticket, the environment and they have been very unclear and providing very little evidence of a clear vision or roadmap out of the climate crisis. They have lost my vote tonight.

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Is that wagon Madigan safe?

Her husband is running in Dublin South West this time I think and her brother is running somewhere else too