General Election 2020 Hub

There is something very alarming about the people running Fianna Fail. The more they appear the more the public switch off. They could do with some serious PR training

They will poll well. They will pick up huge transfers in Dublin. They will be shock of the election now that SF is not a shock.

Time to cull the herd

Your post count has increased by somewhere in the region of 10,000% today. Have you caught election fever?

I’ve a deviated septum from a lash of hurl, life is cruel sometimes

Ivan Yates thinks so anyway

Not sure. Her running mate Sen Neale Richmond has high hopes, I imagine.

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The Green Party are airy fairy! STOP THE PRESSES!

I’m in that constituency - hopefully Ross will get flicked

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I hope not. Neale Richmond would be a far more palatable FG er.

So am I :eyes:

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Richard Bruton and Simon Harris have eerily similar mannerisms.

Seamus Brennan’s son presumably confident of taking a FF seat in Rathdown too?

A mini mini Brennan?

O’Broin very good

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The senior hurling quote will be lost there. Senior cup?

I love elections. I really like this one because I’ve several friends at the coalface working on campaigns and another who is a pollster.


Richard Bruton exposing another SF budget hole.

Very marginal on current trends

Catherine would never say no to a meeting. Would take loads of notes and make lots of promises and do the sum of fuck all.

Ross is 2 ends of a cunt and won’t talk to you unless he can have a photo opportunity.

Madigan is bizarrely more arrogant than Ross.

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