General Election 2020 Hub

You never saw a bookmaker on a bike ( erm )

Not the first time an accountant has confused millions with billions. Anglo served you well.


What’s this blackout Jack is talking about.
I’m voting FF now

Uh oh.

I love you Catherine

I love the counts and I love the constituency details. PR is a treasure. A well executed vote management strategy is a joy to behold. The FG vote management in Dun Laoghaire and Dublin Bay South last time was something else.


Christ is that computer program not ready to replace him yet

Limerick county was just as good. However I can’t stand either candidate so hope it blows up on them this time

Jack is on the verge of going batshit again.

The lights stay on…blackout… What the fuck do they know that we don’t

A nice barb would have been “Not every construction project needs to cost billions Richard”

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Good man Mick. A completely nonsense point


Was @Mac on here bigging up Fracking? Could have been Fobts but think it was fracking

Jack had said too much

Catherine Martin handled him very well there with the measured and understated response and then not letting him back in.

No mate, I was talking about sex but in a cockney accent

And a nice little populist nod to won’t someone think of the children while pointing at the audience.

Chambers looks like a ventriloquist’s dummy modelled on Jimmy Carr.


It’s a pity she’s been fairly anonymous since she got elected

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I think he looks like the web summit guy