General Election 2020 Hub

Sometimes you’d wonder what the advisers spend their time doing.

One liner ripostes / put downs should be a key facet of the role to cover all ministries and current issues.

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Get rid of porn , memes and joke orgasm noise videos and we could reduce the need for data servers by 95%

Hard to get much traction as the second ranking member of a 2 TD party. I’ve heard good things about her constituency profile and it doesn’t surprise me that @Mac would misjudge her completely. She spoke very well at the manifesto launch.

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SF populism incoming …

Harsh. I’m judging her on what she promised to do but didn’t do during her elected time in office. She’s all talk and no action.

Richard Bruton has an itchy back and it’s a nasty thing to have when on TV I’d imagine.

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What’s the pin Richie Bruton is sporting?

Haven’t noticed her at constituency level but anyway I’d prefer to hear her at national level. She’s clearly articulate and could take some of the mantle from E Ryan - it’s not like climate change has been a niche debate in the last 3 years

What do you think she could do from opposition (given FF provided the official opposition and removed the opportunity for other parties to form an official opposition?


Jack winding up to explode again here.

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Jack on about the midlands region again.

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Jack has been waiting for this all evening

Why is this lad here ffs :laughing:

Jack keeps shouting:





The Midlands


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One well timed barb from Eoin O’B could cause Jack to completely flip.


Whats Catherines position on wolves and carpooling

Sure Mick Wallace brought down Alan Shatter and Garda corruption from the opposition. The side of the house she sits on shouldn’t matter.