General Election 2020 Hub

The simple fact of the matter is that at the end of the day it boils down to the fact a significant number of the electorate have a very low IQ

Where is “Up The RA” on that list?

My old lad is into his 70’s now. Has voted for the same party all his life and won’t change now. He takes pride in it, does it probably out of pure stubbornness at this stage.

He absolutely lives for the post Election Day. In addition to RTE’s telly coverage he’ll have about three radios going in the kitchen simultaneously, with local radio from say Galway, Limerick and Cork, occasionally changing to check in on the counts in Kerry, Mayo and Tipp also.

He’ll have detailed A4 sheets, writing down all the first count tallies from each constituency, with the quota at the top. God forbid the phone or doorbell rings while any of this is happening. He’d be like an anti Christ if, say, he missed the sixth count in Laois/Offaly.

The local papers are forensically audited the next week, with the breakdown of each box and its voting pattern.

He was fucking delighted when the electronic voting machines got the boot that time and normal service resumed with long drawn out counts and recounts.

One of his nieces got married the day after an election years and years ago and he still hasn’t forgiven her.


Chambers and Stephen Donnelly are considered “rising stars” in FF and both of them have given diabolically awful performances on the Claire Byrne show during the campaign. One on climate and the other on health.


I know both of them from dealings years ago. Michael is a FB ‘friend’. I didn’t even realise he was running. Just clicked on his page there and noticed he was running a non poster campaign.

I’d rather have him as a TD than Donovan, who I always found to be a bit sly and a little bit of a cunt


Etc??? Wow

Met a friends wife the other day. She’s based in Dublin ruining a business in the property sector. Family would be well-off, doing well etc.

We got talking about the election and she said she was fed up of FG because Murphy had been terrible. He had “screwed over landlords”.

As a result she was thinking of voting FF (despite them presumably being harsher on her landlord clients) She couldn’t come up with a single reason why other than presumably some previous family connection.

Like, there’s few policies or achievements that can counter that kind of thinking

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The reduction in the Herd is not going to be a popular topic considering the exposure banks have in it all.
Government agencies pushed this Dairy expansion, banks have funded it. Farmers have invested heavily in New Milking parlours & buildings.
If you start culling the Herd there is going to be an unimaginable shit storm.

Effectively now, you have rotten bastards pointing the finger at the suckler Herd as it’s the soft target.
They will fuck grants at these lads left, right & centre to be seen to take action but the Suckler farmer won’t be fucked with.
It is amazing that we are saying it’s okay to import drug riddled beef from Brazil but they think cattle grazing grass on an island is a Climate issue of immense importance.


Brilliant! This is exactly me except this year I’ll also be able to hound people tallying at the counts.


The tallies are savage Craic. Great buzz about them.

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Love the attitude of the muldoons on this. “We all need to make sacrifices but not me”

The herd needs to be culled. Us city slickers are turning away from beef anyway. There are fuck all farmers in Ireland so it’s for the greater good

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Any sign of Mary Lou McDonald providing answers or an apology to the parents of that young fellow Paul Quinn that was tortured and murdered by the IRA in Monaghan a few years back?

That’s not were saying. We’re saying that too much of the world’s surface has been given over to beef production. Everyone needs to eat less meat. The ecosystem is crumbling. And yes, excessive methane from cattle is a factor in climate change.
Your stance is basically fighting over who gets to take the last shit on a dead body.

I’ll give you an example of the waste of money currently in action in the Agri sector.
Whilst encouraging Dairy farmers to expand massively in herd expansion & building upgrades to house all these extra animals.

The Governing bodies have a TAMS Grant for farmers to get a 40% grant on New Slurry spreading equipment. 40% off the price of a machine to efficiently spread animal slurry.
Farmers spending upwards of €35k on these machines when in essence the grant imo should only be available to Agri Contractors which would mean the purchase of a fraction of the machinery. Machinery that would be run far more efficiently.
Farmers getting massive grant aid for equipment which will be used 10 times a year max.

Up to €11500 per Tank is what is being fucked away when that money should be aimed at Housing Upgrades imo.
Teagasc has a lot of questions to answer.


Disappointing to see Dan try score internet points off a woman’s sad passing

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While acknowledging that you have a vested interest I agree that this grant is poorly thought out. Any chance it was driven by Tipperary TD’s to benefit the local operator?

Any sign of Leo apologising to the families of the lads that were tied to the landmine in Ballyseedy?


That’s a great example of pure vote driven profligacy. Refusing to stand up to farmers is part of the problem.
Deciding that an expansion of the national herd was a disastrous FG policy and showed they don’t give a fuck about climate change. Someone will have to undo it.

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Went to my first count when I was ten. My mother was then secretary to a government minister. Some craic at it. Must have had about five glasses of coke and three bags of Tayto . I was buzzing for the day. Ended up on telly besides Michael Noonan (cc @Julio_Geordio) when he got elected (4th in I think)

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Departmental secretary? Are they not meant to be politically neutral ?