General Election 2020 Hub

Personal secretary or constituency secretary maybe.

You better hope that @iron_mike’s pappa is not Michael Noonan as they used to share his pappa’s secretaries.

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@caulifloweredneanderthal trying to bump his mam up in our estimation. Not long after telling us his dad was a creamer.

Cc @TreatyStones


Any chance Sinn Fein will enter a few more candidates in Tipperary now that there will be a fresh election in that constituency?

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Lovely Wexford lady on the radio there. “My daughter lives in a hole of a house. They keep promising and promising. But they always give the house to a foreigner. I’m sorry, I’m a racist”.


Looking forward to the debate tonight.

Just an awful pity it’s not Dobbo in charge of proceedings.

Miriam & McCullagh/McCulloch are lightweight in comparison.


Non election but did you hear Gareth Edwards the 70s welsh rugby great talking about the 1982 hurling final . Grand and twee so it was.

Of which 6.34 bn goes to dinny

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If you are riding a wave of populism like other countries such as UK and US should you expect media not to start to take sides as has happened in those countries. Only one political party on the island has a newspaper.

RBB was on The Last Word last night and Matt Cooper called him up on complaining about foreign students being the only ones able to afford new student accommodation. Cooper was hinting at racism, RBB laughed at him. RBB was very impressive, even Mrs Hunt agreed with him.

Off the charts tweeness.


Please advise

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They’d be doing very well to get the one they have elected

My guess is under but the last week has been bizarre so who knows.

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@Copper_pipe you had your advice 2 weeks ago. Sf line was over 17 seats

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I didn’t notice anybody guilt-tripping Lottie Ryan.


A near doubling of the line is incredible. It would translate to around 75% of their candidates begin elected.

MLMD’s advisers need to be preparing 3-4 snappy, bullet (wahey!) point style responses for questions tonight on such topics as:

  • Special Criminal Court;
  • Shadowy figures;
  • Will you apologise to the family of [x] for his/her murder? Will you? Will you?
  • Manifesto tax pledges and how they stack up;
  • Populism;
  • Abstentionism in Westminster and reasons for differences in their policy in the 26 and 6

There will be a temptation to sit back, not take any risks and hope for a low-key affair given the recent poll surges, but I think she needs to be bold and take the game to Martin and Varadkar.

Would she consider coming out in a balaclava, that would really be taking a risk?