General Election 2020 Hub

Wait a minute, SF are different, they are a break from the traditional parties and offer transformational change according to morons.

But what you’re saying here is, no, they are just the same as every other party, bullshit and lies, not promises. They are different in one respect though, other parties don’t condone and organise criminality.

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Sure I don’t declare any of that.

Labour are polling at 4%. Kelly has a chance alright, maybe 50/50, but anybody who thinks he’s a cert needs their head examined. Your assertion of Adams’s unpopularity reminds me a bit of John Drennan claiming Adams would lose in Louth in 2011.

The only rambling I do is on nature trails which I am allowed to do by a clean environment.

For that reason I will be giving the Greens a strong 3.

Kelly will get in on a personal vote, not a party vote. I’d be willing to stake my e-life on Alan Kelly getting elected.

Louth and Tipperary are very different places regarding SF. Have SF had a TD in Tipperary since the 20s/30s when it was basically a different party?

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But sure nowhere had an SF TD until 1997.

Sinn Fein are being set up here for an unmerciful fall by the Establishment

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DoF and the Fiscal Space Advisory Board agreed with each other, not with Noonan. Noonan was caught telling porkies again. It was populist nonsense by Noonan, his costings were wrong.

Ironically that’s the exact narrative that plays right into SF’s hands.

If they’ve a Tax clearance cert that’s usually a good enough sign imo.

Problem is at the moment, farmers buying Contractor spec Tanks who think they can go out on hire once they’ve their own work done.
Totally undermines the Contractor who is trying to run his business properly.

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They already had a seat in Louth when Gerry Adams was elected, yes?

Im not a FG voter so why are you using this issue from 2016 as a point of debate.

What you are also now conveniently ignoring is your claims just a few minutes ago that SFs plans were rock solid and signed off on by the DOF have now been proven to be total bullshit. Lolz.

Also, your first post mentioned FGs policy of transferring wealth from the poor to the rich, i asked you to explain that one but nothing yet. Whenever you’re ready.

Arthur Morgan scraped in a couple of times I think. Adams romped home and brought in a second seat in 2016. SF got 5700 no.1 votes in Tipp in 2016. It’s by no means a ludicrous assertion to suggest they could increase that to, say, 8k this time. And if they do, they’ll almost certainly get a seat.

It’s a pretty ludicrous point considering each of the candidates profile pre election at the time imo.

Who are you a voter for?

Go away sid

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Seamie Morris was a much better candidate than this lad. They bullied him out of the party unfortunately


Did the DoF find any miscalculations with Sinn Fein’s figures? Yes or no. If they did, put up the evidence. If they didn’t then why is it populist?

They found serious issues with Noonan’s figures back in 2016.

What’s a ludicrous point? Adams is very popular and is a massive vote getter. We’re now being told that Tipperary is somehow different and that Adams campaigning there will somehow be a negative for the SF candidate. That’s delusional.