General Election 2020 Hub

We’re on the precipice here. We’re on the verge of a transformational change. We’re standing on the shoulders of giants like Vol Bobby Sands MP. We can have a genuine left wing alternative free of the scourge of the FFG terrorists who’ve ruled this nation for eternity.

I want to be able to look my grandchildren in the eye in 30 years (when I’m 68 and have already had my pension for the 3 years before that) and tell them I played my part and voted for Sinn Féin. I want to vote for the party who honour the IRA, not the RIC.

FFG will hopefully both be defunct by then, a footnote in history like the Home Rule League, Marathon Bars or Cork Hibernians Football Club.

Imagine the shame of telling your grandchild…“No, I actually voted for Neale Richmond - he went on to reform the Irish Conservative Party in 2031 and had a distinguished career in the Seanad.”

This is a bandwagon everyone in hindsight will say they were on.

Vótáil Sinn Féin.


What? How are they transferring this?

According to SF their figures are ok with the dof but is there an issue over that @gaillimhmick


Let’s hope It’s not another Spring tide.

Yeah this Department of Finance verifying the figures is a half truth at best

“The party’s spending plans for the next five years are more than double the €11bn that the Department of Finance believes will be there to spend”

"The party also says that it would run a surplus every year, reaching €3.4bn by 2025. It insists that the costs of its proposed measures have been approved by the Department of Finance.

However, the department clarified that it did not cost the totality of the Sinn Féin package but rather it costed individual items and there was stinging criticism of the party’s spending plans"

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Bring on the populism. Bankers are a disgrace.


Pearse Doherty is a great man, he should be running Ryanair



Lolz, the least you’d expect from any competent politician would be that they check their figures with the DOF before including them in a manifesto.

They wont spend half of it…when has a party ever fully delivered what they promised?.. FG in 2011 - ‘Not another Penny’… Yeah, good one.

SF are no different to any party looking to get in.

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Oh so your ignoring the quote from the department immediately above your post, because you don’t like it. Thats quite a populist position.

What relevance does noonan in 2016 have here?

Eamon Ryan got a seriously softball interview with PK this morning. Pat never went through any of the 15 open goals Ryan left and was nearly helping him out for a finish.
Ryan is a terribly unconvincing leader and he will be absolute cannon fodder for FF if he goes in with them again.

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Well they are completely misrepresenting the DOF and presenting it as fact. Lies work in politics though so wouldn’t blame them


As an Air B N B landlord you’ll be first against the wall.

I think they’ll underperform their polls but even still they’re probably looking at 19/20% nationally. That would be similar figures to Labour in 1992 who got 33 seats. SF not as transfer friendly as that though.

I think you underestimate the popularity of Adams. And shure Tipp is a county that eulogises Dan Breen and Sean Treacy.

Again, what party hasn’t? It’s hardly unique to SF, despite the ramblings of @tallback and @TheUlteriorMotive… It’s like it’s OK for certain parties to stretch promises, but not others.

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The greens are generally very weak and while some of their policies on the environment they aren’t able for the cut and thrust of politics.

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She might have had a shot in Cork North West or South West based on profile. Not the right candidate for Tipp however. Lynn Boylan would have had a shot in Dublin Rathdown or Dun Laoighaire or as a second candidate in Dublin South West or South Central but SF have been caught on the hop by their surge.

I think you overestimate his popularity in Tipperary. The majority of people who vote for FF/FG in Tipp (Lowry, Mattie included in those) wouldn’t give any transfer to SF if Adams got involved IMO. Mary Lou could work alright. Kelly will get in handily though Sid. Has Vicky Phelan campaigning for him, Teneo link and a new factory in Nenagh opened which was the only reason he got in in 2016. Healy and maybe Cahill are the only two sitting TD’s under any pressure and FF will get one seat anyway

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I said above that I wouldn’t blame them. I just wanted to point out that it wasn’t true to the people on here who believed it