General Election 2020 Hub

Or even worse “Why did you not tell the police that your brother had raped his daughter until 9 years after you knew for a fact?”

Adams is a scumbag


But they didn’t cost SFs total spend?

And there was criticism, which reads very straightforward, from an economist.

On what basis do SF keep repeating their figures have been signed off by the DOF when thats very misleading?

And why do you keep avoiding your own statement

The RUC?

The real core actual republican vote in the republic can be seen from the 1981 general election where there were H Block candidates . Kieran Doherty in Cavan Monaghan and Mr Agnew in Louth were elected . Sean McKenna polled strongly in Kerry north . These were where S.F. made initial break through in the republic . In other areas they also polled well and may have cost Haughey an over all majority .


The doler scum is out of the scratcher. Great.

If there was any evidence that the totting up was wrong I’m sure someone in the media/FF/FG would have found it by now. They have minnions combing those figures looking for the slightest error. The best they can do is to get some rent a quote economist to scare the cap doffers.

I’ll gladly move on the income inequality when you admit that there is no evidence that SF figures are wrong. Opinion is not evidence.

This is an an amazing and frightening quote.

This dullard just wants CHANGE he has no idea if SF are any good but he’s easily led by their populist slogans so will vote for a basket case criminal party. There has to be a test for voters brought in.

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They didn’t cost every figure

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Theres no evidence the SF figures are right. Individual items were costed not the whole plan as they are asserting. Im fully right there.

Just admit your statement that it was FG policy to transfer wealth from poor to rich was truly idiotic and ill drop it.

The other peninsula?

Let’s just get change done.

The Fianna Failures have had their chance.

It’s Not Fine for most Gaels.

Labour are Green with envy.

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5700 is a reasonably solid base to work off. I’m suprised so much store is being placed in the candidate. When there’s a big national swing, unknown or little known candidates routinely get elected. That happened with Labour in 1992 and 2011 and FG in 2011 and FF in 2016. The vast majority of people do not follow politics closely and have no contact with any public representative between elections.

Interestingly, last time, there was a lot of opinion around that Mattie McGrath would not get elected when anybody who knew anything about the nature of votes for populist right wing independents knew he would.

Yet this time the narrative is that Tipperary is immune to national vote swings and operates in a purely personal vote grand isolation. It doesn’t.

Is there evidence that their figures are wrong? The only question raised is about the cost per social housing and where they’re going to get the builders from but apart from that there doesn’t seem to be much wrong with their figures. I’m sure they’ve been well reviewed.

Yes there is, the ones costed by the Department of Finance

the department clarified that it did not cost the totality of the Sinn Féin package but rather it costed individual items

They never ran a candidate in Donegal that time which was surprising but probably due to Neil Blaney being a big supporter of the hunger strikes and not wanting to oppose him.

Huh? Where was Mattie McGrath being doubted before the last election? There’s no point in having this conversation. We’ll see how it goes in about a month

I can smell the fear off that post.

Funnily enough a harmless lad like yourself with a shit job living in shit accommodation in a city he hates might actually do ok out of Sinn Fein. They will do more for disadvantaged odd balls like yourself than the Blueshirts but you are too stupid to see that

You seem to take everything on here very seriously . If you can’t understand what I said maybe ask one of others here to help you out.

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While living standards have risen modestly, the country finds itself faced with high income inequality and soaring wealth inequality, with our wealth inequality score increasing by over 10 points in the past five years.

The high levels of wealth and income inequality is attributed to decades of prioritising economic growth over social equity, the WEF’s report found.

“Excessive reliance by economists and policymakers on gross domestic product as the primary metric of national economic performance is part of the problem,” the WEF said.

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