General Election 2020 Hub

Blaney always had that vote more the hovered up .

I’ve fine accommodation and a good job, the city is grand it’s just the waste of space work shy inhabitants like yourself I detest. But i and other country people who run the city have a responsibility to keep things going when Dubliners are incapable and unwilling to do so. I think Kipling wrote a poem about it. With hard working immigrants also coming in the salt of the earth types with thankfully be outnumbered and replaced in a generation or two. It’s just sad that Dubliners get to benefit from free housing, and make no use of that huge start in life, when immigrants and young country people have to live in poor standard housing.

Yes it’s in FGs ethos to try and grow the economy.

But you said it was their policy to transfer wealth from poor to rich. What wealth is this? What policy?

You blamed the housing crisis on immigrants last week. Claimed they were the ‘elephant in the room’ and we had the highest number of immigrants in Europe. Therefore I’m calling bullshit on the above post because racism cannot be cured in a week,especially in a thick cunt like yourself.

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The only thing you look to have kept going today is this thread.

No I didn’t I said the government failed to respond to the highest growth of immigration levels in Europe in the last 25 years. I never said most immigrants and I never blamed them, but you can’t understand that. All joking aside you shouldn’t be allowed vote, you are excitable and stupid and willing to vote SF for no reason bar you want pie in the sky ie CHANGE

Sure I’m just answering questions, I’m not gonna be like the others who just run away when their points are questioned. As for the imaginary Italian…

I posted you a link, what more can I do for you. There was a study done and it concludes and I quote, again

The high levels of wealth and income inequality is attributed to decades of prioritising economic growth over social equity, the WEF’s report found.

Excessive reliance by economists and policymakers on gross domestic product as the primary metric of national economic performance is part of the problem,” the WEF said.

Yeah I read that. And FG focus on growing the economy, I said that I’m hardly disputing it.

But you said it was FG policy, not to grow the economy, but to transfer wealth from poor to rich. What wealth? What policy?

I just hate people like you that make brain dead populist statements and then run away when asked to explain them.

Like yesterday when you said people couldn’t survive on the dole. I asked who but you headed for the hills. You made the statement but won’t back it up. You wouldn’t get away with pretending you didn’t in a bar or having a chat, why get away with it here

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No chance IMO. He’s an absolute clown but they’ve Kerry sown up

Ok I’ll ladybird this.

Rent is rising because of FG inaction/policy decisions.
The poor have less disposable income.
The landlords get higher rent.
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.
GDP will say the economy is growing.
GDP won’t tell you the number of homeless families is rising.

This is a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.

I can do no more for you.


Mate I’m away on hols and dipping in and out on the phone , go away and shite…

Anyway, isn’t it truly amazing that no matter what the debate, or no matter what the topic, you always end up on the opposite side to the dullards and people of low intelligence. You must be in awe of this ability at times? The consistency is off the charts.

So you made a statement and can’t back it up. Ok.

because the leading criticism didn’t come from the DOF it came from a failed economist with vested interests

I had a look on powers to see if there was any value to be had.

I was wrong

FG have upped the level of building houses, they are too reliant on the market to build houses but unless you are proposing massive social house builds then rising rent is just a reality as it is everywhere in the world. The government did introduce rent control areas, rent freezes are unconstitutional and building houses is proving very difficult. Real world not 100k houses fantasy land stuff from SF.

So that’s it, rents are going up, that’s the only answer you have to your statement that FG are willfully transferring wealth from poor to rich. Are FG in charge of policy in London San Francisco and Toronto too?