General Election 2020 Hub

Fuck off you dreary Cark bastard.


MLM floundering.

Not that it makes a difference.

Miriam will nail her on facts and figures in the next while. They’re warming her up nicely for a massive blindside

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Destroy her leo

there’s desperation in the voice of Leo… He’s almost pleading.

She’s managed to avoid answering a question for a couple of debates now - it’s fairly impressive

They don’t want to let in pure scum

Yeah. You definitely not a FG voter

No mention of the Criminal court in her waffle there :smile:


Quiet you harmless fool or ill quote your laughable post again

A clarion call of desperation - that’s a lovely phrase Mary Lou

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Beats answering the question about SCC.

McCullagh is doing a shitty job.

Mary Lou has great skill of not coming close to answering a question

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Micheal and Leo are gonna blow their load early here. They’re making Mary Lou look better due to their desperation.

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FFG are seriously rattled :laughing:

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Leo shitting on about history, how far back do his roots in this country go? A blow in who blows.

She refuses to answer question on SCC :joy::joy:

She won’t answer a question. Just hates democracy im afraid

Quote your Ma