General Election 2020 Hub

When’s throw in? Straight after the news?

Imagine if a bishop did what Michael Noonan did, abandoning poor kids being sexually abused in a foster home in the South East, told what was going on and doing nothing to stop the abuse.


Shocking but then im not a FG supporter. But you have already said youd vote SF no matter what, that says it all.

I knew MaryLou
That we’d never warm
So hello MaryLou,
Goodbye arms

Miriam O’Callaghan should be taking no part in this. She is compromised.


I agree

RTE gone for two moderators again like the last Virgin debate. Granted neither as big a windbag as Ivan Yates.

Leo is sounding very desperate.

Desperation from Leo to start things off.

A bit weird them sitting down

Martin can’t really have too much of a go at the government ffs

Can’t have yet man Martin as leader of the country

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Answer the question there mary

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Hon Mary Lou drive it into the cunts!

Laughable Meehawl portraying himself as some sort of political revolutionary.


Mary Lou calls him out

Mary Lou has this won already.

Game over.


Why the fuck are they sitting so far away?

Why did he let her off twice! She never answered whether she’d go in with them

Mary Lou does a great line in waffle. She’d be a great contributor to the buzzwords thread I believe