Which one is Olwen ?
Want to meet up and chat about it?
She did better than Martin, but it was a low bar.
She was getting it from all sides to be fair to her, but I felt she could have had a better handle on her brief and could have been better prepared for some questions she was obviously going to get. She did handle the sticky one about the boys mother fairly well, given there’s no way she could really handle it well.
Oh no
He has been TFK’s leading climate change campaigner. He has had me questioning my ways and trying to be a better human to our planet
Aw you little pussy. Your not man enough so quiten while ill still entertain you
Ok guys, time out time
Eoin O’Brion on Virgin 1 now a far more impressive speaker than Mary Lou. Fairly unflappable.
But as someone said, looks a little bit too much like a Nazi.
I’m pro green anti scc mate
What’s absolutely hilarious and terrifying, given they are likely to make up more than half of the next government, is that Michael Martin is actually the best person FF have for the job. There’s no one better than him. Let that sink in
Just change the glasses
Ok mate, vent, your anger at your pitiful life isn’t good. Get it out
Mary Lou not brilliant.
But she had the least amount of time to speak by far abd was easily the most grilled.
In comparison , Martin had free reign.
Leo and Mary Lou could be a beautiful partnership I think
Mate, respect the time out
Eoin O Broin will destroy Jack Chambers in the 2025 leaders debate
Im not in Canada. You can run crying to moderators again but you might have to back up the smather this time. You shite yourself when i came back and started brown nosing me. You’ll quickly see thats the sensible option again.
You’re on a time out bro. Step off.