General Election 2020 Hub


He really is unbearable.

A labour student politician. Ffs sake.

You can tell he’s an arsehole before he even opens his mouth. Was on the radio the last day and spoke about himself in the third person the whole time.

“Marc MacSharry believes climate change is real”.

Don’t they have drugs to do or cans to drink or something. Fucking creeps. These are the people who’ll end up as politicians as well.

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“People are commuting to UCD from places like Maynooth or Kerry” Wtf

‘Debating’ … With you… :grinning:

Two posts in…You’re stupid, you’re a dullard… He’s stupid, he’s a dullard… She’s stupid, she’s a dullard. :+1:

You made a statement yesterday, why are you refusing to back it up? Its because you like making silly populist statements that aren’t true. Like your political party. Itd be funny if there wasn’t a threat theyd get into government. But thats the electorate we have

Absolute wanker

Debate won’t make a difference to election result.

I’d advise all forum members to plan for the next recession as soon as possible.
Mike and Mary Lou are at the wheel.


Let’s make Ireland Reasonable for the First Time.

Did Miriam make this point?

This Dorgan fucker is wheeled out by FF every few years after every election debate to say how his candidate won the debate.

You can’t see the link between poverty and a lot of social and criminal issues in the country…theres simply no talking to anyone that can’t join those dots… You just want to scream, which is grand … But I think you have severe anger issues.

The way you ridicule anyone not voting for FFG sums you up really… You’re doing fine so your stance is that we should keep the status quo… But you can’t entertain the idea that people who are not doing well, which is a sizeable chuck of tge country, might want a different government… You’re like a 5 year old.


Dara Calleary was in college about two years or so ahead of me, he was in FF then and he looked exactly the same as he does now

Why do the FF gene pool all look like Monty Burns? Must be a fair whack of inbreeding going on.

You make stupid points and then run away when questioned on them. Its there in black and white. I answer every question put to me and you refuse to, but in your head its the opposite?

I ridicule people who won’t stand over or explain their points. Some posters would never fall into that, others like you sadly do. Im not a FFG voter but leo has impressed me most by far,probably because he just answers questions. Its his biggest fault politically. Irish gobshites would prefer mindless waffle like we saw from the other two tonight than for example leo saying he has a problem with welfare cheats. No way would the spin doctors allow the other two say that.

You have no idea what i know or don’t know about society. Ive said all along, but this doesn’t suit your little whinge, that the country needs a viable left wing option. But the joke/criminal enterprise that is SF is not that option.


FF manifesto :joy: / :cry: ?

What’s wrong with that?