General Election 2020 Hub

They are going to fix everything down to the last pothole and send out the pothole ambulance to do it. Stop will ya.

It seems like a good and very efficient way to do it

You’re willing to tell us who you aren’t voting for, why not tell us who you’re voting for?

National Party, is it?

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Just get some help sid. Place is no good for you.


Has any party pledged to ban unpaid internships? I’d vote for that policy.


I thought you pride yourself on answering questions? Why do you keep mentioning “sid”? You seem obsessed with him, whoever he is.

Not all of them look like Monty Burns. Some of them look like three eyed fish he got served up for dinner.

I’ve answered plenty of questions over years here, my stance on society and life is very, very consistent… I’m not here to spell out everything for you in some endless back and forth just so you can vent…

Leo can talk the talk…but what about his actions? Why are so many people angry with his government? Let me guess, they’re all stupid?.. People’s minds were made up long before these si called debates.

It’s hardly SFs fault that they are best placed to take advantage. Labour sre a joke, and the other so called left parties are weak. Mary Lou isn’t great, but the party do a brilliant job on the ground and in communities that badly need help. I’ve been on record countless times saying they are still a little naive politically and have a bit to learn but there’s a genuine desire to do good there.

We have old people stuck on trollies, we have a crisis in mental health and suicide among young people, we have a rent and housing crisis causing all kinds of issues among families… None of that is waffle… That’s where FFG have gotten us, and you might dismiss people voting to change this, but Irish people are generally emotional and a sentimental people and will generally value decency and dignity over money. I think this is a wonderful trait we have and it should be celebrated, not scoffed at.

No doubt Sinn Fein are playing into it and engaging in populism, but all parties do it. At the end of the day, there won’t be drastic changes… No party that comes in will drastically change society… Partly because civil servants and red tape runs the country and partly because the political system is a joke and doesn’t cater for addressing the real problems in society… You’re only getting to grips with your office and you’re gearing up to run again…

The sun will come up again mate.

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I watched the debate on delay there and read tonight’s posts in one go. A rollicking good read. Some of you seem to have dropped a few tablets during it.

Mary Lou was weak on a few areas. I listed several topics this morning that it was obvious she would be challenged on. She needed 3-4 snappy, concise bullet points for each but, straight away, she tried to give a detailed justification of the policy to review the SCC by launching into a speech about the wider steps that need to be taken to address criminality. It didn’t play well when the moderators were pushing for a yes/no answer and it looked like she wouldn’t answer it. She needed to get to the point quicker on this and a couple of other topics so that her position was clear before the inevitable interruptions.

I don’t think Varadkar was as impressive as others are suggesting. He did interject with snappy points, but he chanced his arm and made up some stuff (his O6 homeless figures were subsequently fact checked and are untrue for example). Saying he’d give the same attention to health if he was re-elected as he has given to Brexit this time probably didn’t go down well with people who’ve been impacted by the shit health service in recent years.

It’s nuts that Micheál Martin will be Taoiseach.

I more or less agree with yer man Gavan Reilly’s take on it.

Gavan Reilly (gavreilly)

No standout performance by any of the three there. Varadkar clearly uncomfortable with some aspects of his own record. Martin verbose on explaining what he’d do different. McDonald her usual concise self on others’ failings, less so on her own platform.

11:23 PM - 4 Feb 2020 180 13

I don’t think anyone who favoured one of the three of them would have changed camps based on it.


What an absolute and utter fucking thunder cunt that cunt Micheal Martin is.

Leo would probably make quite a good Taoiseach.

I hope MaryLou gets a little sympathy vote for having two FF moderators gang up on her but ultimately, she is shite.

I will vote for the 32 county socialist party.

Those are my thoughts.

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Martin in the first minute: “I made huge changes as Minister for Health”. What a fucking wanker.

The dynamic in terms of tone in this election between FG and SF has almost been the reverse of that between Labour and the Tories. Varadkar has been almost Corbynesque in his earnestness, it’s something he’s consciously cultivated in recent years having been a bit of a shoot his mouth off merchant before. Mary Lou hasn’t been quite Boris Johnson but there’s a hectoring, evasive and vague and, when she’s challenged, almost flippant tone to her style.

Excellent. Another one aboard the Green bandwagon.

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You’re not wrong but youve contradicted yourself slightly, change sorry CHANGE is hard, slow moving and very limited. Thats the reality FG have faced but you blame them an awful lot for issues. They are not perfect, but better than zombie FF.

The electorate are just sick of the establishment. It happens worldwide regularly. It used to happen here to FF after a few years the public would get a hump and put FG in in coalition.

Im sure SF have some very well meaning people, so do FG (and maybe even FF to a lesser extent) but FG have an ethos mantra or whatever that you do not agree with. they will prioritize business and growth over social issues. Its not right but its the way they are. I have huge issues with some of SFs backgrounders, and the populism. I wish labour or the greens were mainstream, like in france or germany and there was a real check and balance.

But i don’t agree with you on the nature of irish people to be honest. I think we’re far more greedy and local than we might admit. If we weren’t social reforms would be a lot quicker coming.

It has the look of an app specifically designed by the Healy-Rae’s for pilot projects near Kilgarvin.

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He is Taoiseach :joy:

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There isn’t a single pothole in Kilgarvan

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It’s a shame Leo and Mickey destroyed it by playing to the gallery with a constant stream of inane mud slinging.

At one stage Leo went off on one about the North, not knowing that it’s administered by London, which is embarrassing for the out going Taoiseach… But his party have ignored the north for 100 years, after they partitioned it, and now he’s concerned about it?