General Election 2020 Hub

O Caoileann

Forgot he was running. He is an impressive performer and importantly likeable

I don’t trust any of them to get a return on investment. FG are the safest pair of hands and have steered country out of a financial crisis and through Brexit. A decent economy means people have options. Housing looks to be turning and they have avoided half baked FF SSIA stuff.

Health is the area they all will struggle to change given the vested interests. It is also arguably the most emotive area as anybody who has a sick family member who suffers at its hands is angry and rightly so.

The banks pay a 9 per cent dividend. It’s a legacy of the crash. Multinationals pay huge amounts of tax here directly and via their employees and service providers.

They don’t like that a bit of attention is on them.

EOB has been tweeting out figures that show homelessness is worse in Northern Ireland but thinks it’s a real gotcha on Varadkar.

In fairness, they’ve only just taken over the housing portfolio there after a few years of doing nothing. Deirdre Hargey is the new Minister and in fairness to her specifically, she has a good idea of how to take shelter. She was one of the 70+ people who “were in the toilet” when Robert McCartney was murdered at Magennis Bar.


Did he ever find the three brothers in that New York hospital?

Conor Murphy in the classic stick or twist conundrum. Was he or wasn’t he a toerag?
People who’s lives he disrupted hold their painfully suffered memories but in the meantime, in the interest of votes, Mrs. Quinn needs a head - preferably Conor’s.

It’s a lose - lose call either way.

They pay very little tax which is why they are here.




Do you want them to leave?

I thought Sean Lemass shot his own brother?

Safe pair of hands for higher earners . Go way you gowl…

You are still seething after Mary Lou deer in headlights performance last night.



You are voting for Ireland’s BoJo.

Sure where would they go?

I dont think my tone has changed over the course of the campaign.

I’ve slated Mary Lou for nearly 2 years now - I saw nothing new that would have me seething.

Mairia Cahill has entered the fray, article up on the Indo.

Was there a moment where John Waters became a right wing loon, or was it a gradual process @Fagan_ODowd? If my memory serves he wasn’t always thus?

They’ve been saving her up

It’s the Indo wot win it

Yeah but you can’t just decide to disregard the 1992 Act because you think it’s potentially unconstitutional due to bad drafting, it enjoys the presumption of constitutionality until formally decided otherwise.