General Election 2020 Hub

Health care is rationed at source in Ireland. Once you are in system is generally good.

The rationing seems a policy for years.

Copper Face Jack’s has them ruined.

Some juxtaposition here /

Barstool IRA lauding the Ryler

D4 rugger guys not happy with Ryler

Does anybody know how many beds have been taken out of the public hospital system over, say, the last 40 years, on a year by year basis? Is there anywhere to find such information? I know I’ve read Gene Kerrigan articles which have referenced, I think, something like 6k beds being taken out of the system over the last three decades but those figures seem a bit mental to me as I think you’d need a lot of big buildings to store 6k beds.

Murphy car crash interview re Paul Quinn on Radio 1 now.

They are really going after him.

Would this take account of largely shutting psychiatric hospitals and many community/ geriatric places were closed with functions outsourced to nursing homes .

6000 beds seems huge .

Murphy had a brilliant interview on radio 1 just there. Really swatted away the shills.


Why did he do it in the first place is what the mother is asking? Why slur the name of a young man who had every bone in his body below his head broken.

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Is Conor Murphy a convicted IRA criminal terrorist?

It was a disaster. He wanted to shout “up the ra”

He could not say why he said Quinn was a criminal. SF are hamstrung as they cannot tell the truth on this.

Or why play this standard SF charade where he “appeals” to people if they know anything to take it to the police but despite likely having significant information has not gone to the police himself.


I don’t know. The 6k bed cut figure I reference is from an article by Kerrigan on January 14, 2018. The 6k bed cuts apparently happened in the decade after 1984.

Another statistic from the article, from Eurostat, is between 2006 and 2010, the amount of beds declined from 527 per 100k people to 275 per 100k people, which is 52 per cent of the European average.

I wonder what it is now.

If you know for certain that he has information, I appeal to you to go to the police.

The beds per 100k of population is prob a more interesting figure.

I think I heard an estimate that each additional acute hospital bed adds approx €1m per year to the health budget (i.e. Nurse/Dr staffing etc) but not sure where I picked that up i.e. 1,000 extra beds would cost a billion/year.

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my sources now say SF, 25 seats.

A very good result.

Why did you do it
Have you not the guts to say
You could have gone on Nolan Live
Or even on Rick O’Shea


He should have gone with the same line Bertie Aherne did. The PSNI informed him it was due to criminality

I don’t know . There was a lady used to write a lot of very good stuff on heath ( Burke ??) and I haven’t seen her recently.

A lot goes back to the Mack the Knife days in 1997 and we haven’t recovered . I still find 6,000 beds gone hard to fathom but I am open to correction

At the start of the year 20 seats would have been seen as a very strong showing by SF. 25 when it all shakes out really breaks through the glass ceiling for them especially as it appears to be at the expense of FF/FG as opposed to hoovering up seats which were picked up by Independents last time out.


Is a lot of the problem that there are very few step down facilities meaning people who don’t necessarily have to be in acute hospitals occupy those beds? And it’s profitable for public hospitals to keep private patients in as long as possible.