General Election 2020 Hub

I think it’s quite obvious that it is more focused on FF there.

28 would be dream land for SF.

The glass ceiling would not just be broken it would be shattered

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SF would be very happy with that. Enough so they don’t have to go into government and can be the undisputed main left wing voice or the Dáil.

Not sure how long the SD TDs would last mind so not exactly stable.


Wasn’t that FG fella in the picture from Louth convicted of assault a while back? McGahon or something? A party of thugs.

Edit: Maybe he’s only facing trial and enjoys the presumption of innocence. That said, anybody with any information on the case should go to the gardai.

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Pearse Doherty routing the two little lads here.

Knockout blow from Pearse to Pathcal

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I don’t how he gets 8 for labour.
And 14 for the greens looks a stretch at this stage. Powers have the line at 10.5

What channel/programme was that?

Rte 6.1 news

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Fair play to SF for going after banks… The bastards have been bleeding ordinary people for years.

A result like that would depress me. People can justifiably support FG if their circumstances are good, they have a good, stable job and on the back of strong economic performance at a macro level, and for not splurging money for electoral gain. There are issues, without a doubt, but I think they could be ironed out with SF as a coalition partner.

Likewise, people are justified to vote SF to hear a new voice, to give them a chance after almost 100 years of FF and FG led governments and state that they wish for a fairer and more equal society. All valid reasons to vote Sinn Féin.

Similar to SF, there are valid reasons to give the SDs a vote, along with the Greens

There is absolutely no justification for giving FF a preference, and those who do are inward, short term thinking hicks who deserve to be removed from the register.

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Mary Lou immense there on virgin

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They say the camera adds ten pounds

Is it true that she said she now supports the Special Criminal Court :joy::joy::joy:

“Here are my principles and if you don’t like them I have others”

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