General Election 2020 Hub

Smarmy cunt of a tone from the interviewer.

The establishment whether in the political or media arenas don’t understand that the more they trod on SF the more support the party is getting from floating voters.

Colette Fitzpatrick filleted Mary Lou there.

Has Gemma O’Doherty been on the hustings @Dziekanowski?

What’s the word on Richard with ye? He had lads canvassing in Ardpatrick today when I was passing.
Only candidate bothered to put up a few signs on the approach to the Tipp-LK border outside Emly too I see.

Hope he gets on well, he’s an alright sort.

So they shouldn’t ask hard questions :man_shrugging:

There’s a fierce victim complex floating about that any hard question of SF is some sort of conspiracy.

Micheal Martin got taken through the ringer by Dobson and Varadkar spent most of the election defending tough questions.

That’s just the gig!


Of course they should, but the tone is poor and has a bad look from the clip I see there.

I didn’t see the entire interview either tbf but from what I saw I pass my judgement. :man_shrugging:

Michael Martin had Miriam O’Callaghan pleading with the everyone to give him more time to speak.

Christ, for an ardent follower you’ve got a terribly poor turn of phrase …

Journalist looking to get a “gotcha” moment because that’s what all 1 on 1 interviews are set up as now.

MaryLou and SF only have themselves to blame - they’ve made a mess of the media management of this and have let it snowball.

Sister of FF TD pleading with everyone to allow the FF leader more time to speak as he talks waffle without any interruption or challenge.

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The policies of SF are not Trump-like, but the victim complex of supporters angry at being questioned or scrutinised definitely is.

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Mary Lou was allowed to waffle on about demographics and the pension for ages also

No she wasn’t, she was pulled up at every turn.

MOC interjected to plead with everyone to allow the her brother’s party leader more time to speak and allowed him to waffle on and talk about SF and not address the question put to him.

The whole black and tan/RIC thing turned out to be a much bigger thing than anybody thought I think. Most people assumed it would be forgotten about by the next week and it largely was, but it seems to have been the straw that broke the camels back and they haven’t been able to get those voters back despite decent debate performances

MLMCD talked for ages on the pension without any interruption. Then when she was finished her usual long spiel talking shite, they ripped into her

David McCullagh said OK when Michael Martin laughed off the Mahon Tribunal.

No, she was just given tine to fully explain herself without 4 yahoo’s jumping on her.


Is it MOC or McCullagh you have the issue with?

Does she still believe in courts or has she come up with a different system in the last 24 hours?

What’s the difference? They’re both establishment shills, like yourself.

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