General Election 2020 Hub

There is no acceptable cut off in my opinion. The people involved in the case you highlighted are dead, therefore not a part of Fianna Fail. The person involved in the Paul Quinn case is a current Sinn Fein Finance Minister

Good stuff. She had a couple of runs at it last night and tied herself up in knots. It’s good to hear she’s learning on the job.

So if Colm Murphy dies tomorrow you’ll have no issue. That’s a bizarre rational but years of inbreeding probably leads to illogical thinking.

He reloaded the gun and shot a defenceless man with the intention to take life. He threw his victim’s body into an adjoining field. That’s murder in any reasonable person’s book. Sinn Fein are fair game for all these questions but you look like an eejit when you object to SF on moral grounds because of murders and then turn around and defend murder yourself. Of course it’s easier to defend it when the victim is a member of the Travelling Community, isn’t it?


I’m beginning to think you’re showing advanced signs of Shinnerbot Victim Complex.

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You would, you’re a shillbot.

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That’s not what the law says

Grand so, I suppose that makes me your oppressor.

Well nobody was convicted of the murders of Paul Quinn and Robert McCartney so I guess they’re not murder in your book.

Its nice to see a Northern voice being so vociferous on here in supporting Sinn Fein. @Nembo_Kid was heavily critical of them before he departed for the way the party had shifted from being the party of provos to trying to become a proper political party

David McWilliams podcast yesterday. Political scientist/statistician said FF are most successful political party in history. They won popular vote of every election 1937 to 2011. Said that type of party don’t exist anywhere else - no ideological basis


Not the same at all. The murderers of those men were never found but it was clearly murder. Padraig Nally killed John Ward but was found not guilty of murder


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You say the deaths of Paul Quinn and Robert McCartney were clearly murder. I’d tend to strongly agree. But that’s not what the law says. We have nobody apprehended over McCartney. It could have been manslaughter. Quinn could have been a punishment beating that got out of hand.

We know what Nally did OJ Simpson wasn’t convicted of murder either. And as of yesterday, Molly Martens is not a murderer. She was on Monday.

The National Party in SA had a good run at it.

Barry Cowan has very large ears.

How many double barrelled female candidates are FG running in this election?

I was fairly torn who to vote for but last night’s debate has made my mind up so I’ll be going 1. O’Connell 2. Murphy 3. Andrews 4. Humphreys. My ideal next government would be FG led with a left wing party there with them to keep them in check.

Everyone is tired of hearing it but FG did actually take over a bankrupt country. They’ve been quite poor in Health but Health is a basket case and like all public sectors in Ireland it is designed for the people that work in them rather than the public. What I am most disappointed with is that no party, FG included, is talking about tackling PS reform which is the starting point for sorting out all public services including Health.

They’ve made lots of mistakes in housing but I’m not sure how well any other party would’ve done in the same timeframe and circumstances and the number of house builds is increasing all the time and house prices are stabilising and down slightly in parts of Dublin. Again, not sure how much better any other party would’ve done here.

They’ve made lots of other mistakes but they’ve also handled the biggest political issue in years in Brexit magnificently in my opinion. We also have full employment coming from 15% unemployment when they took over. I can fully understand people wanting change in certain aspects of government in Ireland but, if you are not ready for a socialist government in Ireland as most people aren’t myself included, then it is a choice between FF and FG and that’s just the unfortunate reality. Anyone choosing FF over FG needs their heads examined if you look at the record of both parties last stints in government and the quality of their candidates.


That’s a great post.


And that’s it in a nutshell.