General Election 2020 Hub

Madigan was at some local business forum debate in Sandyford yesterday.

My favorite line, in a night of them, was ‘100k houses where are we gonna get the workers to build them?’

Answer, ‘the workers will be found’

Can you believe that, really, a political leader straight faced gave that answer to a direct question. Thats what people are voting for.


How much investment?
Can you put a number on it?
blinking tears away Massive.


Well played Simon, the perfect answer.

Were you not praising socialist Bernie Sanders over in the US Politics thread yesterday? You’re worse than the Italians for changing sides.

You do know the DUP did not sign the Good Ride Day Agreement right… Anyway it was the St Andrews agreement where they agreed to power share. They are not compelled to do so either as evidenced by the stalemate that took place over the last couple of years.

Its not a virus its a birth defect. they all have it.

If they want to govern they have to work together. Otherwise they would not. NI is a political basket case where people vote down sectarian lines. It’s different. Deal.

Bernie sanders has a lifetime of activism and his proposals on healthcare and education are badly needed in the us. Hes about as socialist as meehawl martin and believes in honest effort, the contrast to SF.

The CHANGE brigade have jumped on the gravy train, mary lou from FF, SF from living off Westminsters tit and criminality. No lifetime of activitism there. Bernie deals with actually oppressed people living below the breadline, SF voters are oppressed because they cant add BT sports onto their free sky package the water protest got them. They want to be able CHANGE all the channels.


Keep howling at the moon :grinning:

Great comeback, you are such a well thought out debater. Any points to make today that you are unable to back up, any pretend swims in the back pocket in case you need to run off again?

Keep raging pal… I’m not sure what you’re hoping to achieve posting the same thing over and over… But it’s better you vent online than attack some poor Brazilian lad in the meat factory.

You’ll never guess the party of the one unemployed candidate

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Everyone in here seems to be howling at the moon. There’s a few fellas who’ve always seemed quite reserved and held a mask up pretty well for the most part, who’ve really appeared to let this election get under their skin.



You can’t make points, and you can’t debate any points, so this is what the self proclaimed academic is reduced to. This and constantly repeating comical ali style that mary lou is immense, is doing a great job here on tv, regardless of how she’s actually doing

You want me to get into a shouting match with a deranged lunatic? ---- I’ve seen that movie, many, many times.

He got a short reprieve from the Marxist Feminists for that especially after his performance on one of the TV debates

So you’re going to vote for a party that help the wealthy steal billions from the state as opposed to a party that will help the poor watch a bit of sport on the box.