General Election 2020 Hub

In fairness @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Cicero_Dandi and many other leading SF posters wanted Klopp removed from office too.

He’s a failed politician who precipated the property crash here by making a rash statement about stamp duty

Then having played his part in causing the crash he returned to his previous career and made out like a bandit litigating the fallout from the crash.

He is a member of one of the families that did very well thank you very much out of the connections they made during the struggle for Independence.


Great stuff from Jim there

What the FFG posters here and in the wider society need to work out is when exactly they will accept that Sinn Fein can be a legitimate party of government. They clearly have not arrived at that point yet. And that means that in the long run, they will be forced to accept that SF can be a legitimate party of government, because the voters will decide that they are. It’s a time limited strategy and a self defeating, kick the can down the road strategy. And when you kick the can down the road, the reckoning at the end of it will be greater.


Does anyone know who first coined the phrase FFG?

Is a TFK’ism or was it first in the national zeitgeist?

I read 7 posts in a row from you pretty much howling at the moon with rage and repeating the same thing over and over … there’s not much interaction anyone can have with that.

I’ve been on record criticizing SF. I’ve said they have a lot to learn still. I dont fully rate Mary Lou as a leader, tho she has her own strengths. I dont think they are gonna magically fix everything. The party is still held back by old ties — but 90% of the party are young and honest activists looking to do good.

You can attack SF’s manifesto, but it is what it is. FG have been in power 9 years and while they have steadied the ship and done well in some areas, they have floated by and hoped critical areas would just sort themselves out without state interference. SF are promising that interference but whether they can deliver is another thing… but FG are just as full of gusto as any of them. They’ve vamped up their ideas solely because there’s an election on, as every party does. They chant Full employment and Brexit - yet they didnt deliver either of these on their on initiative. They followed the troika’s lead on one and then Barnier’s lead on the other … Tim hit on it in the Leo thread - there’s been good work, but no great leadership from them on anything - and not from Leo when it comes to dealing with his own TDs either. This is something the public see and are reacting … he’s a master debater but people are judging him on actions in office.

And I wasnt pretend swimming you prick of a man - I enjoyed a lovely little swim with my little angel who by the way, celebrates her half birthday today.

Anyway, i’m not so blind I dont see SF faults… I think they are growing and learning every year and will become a great party eventually. I’ve voted for them as long as I could vote and I wont be changing now.

I’ll just about stomach a FG + SF coalition ---- I dont see any other coalition working really — FF + FG will just destroy both parties next time out. A grand left simply wont work. I dont think FG + SD + Green and Ind will get enough votes. I will personally murder Mary Lou myself if it’s FF + SF… not with martin involved anyway…or Dooley … or Chambers … or O’dea … fuck me, what a horrible collection of cunts.


I’d say Jim won’t know a football if it hit him in the face
His area is Rugby country

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Dan the Tan seem’s to think his (McDowell’s) words hold weight.

He had his chance at running the country and he made a pure bollix out of it.

True, but that didn’t stop most others in a similar situation in this country from weighing in from time to time.

It’s a democracy. When they get elected they get elected. Threats of a reckoning arguing for SF are quite funny.

His party were particularly culpable. The light touch regulation party. We don’t hear many people rooting for light touch regulation any more.

A quick search shows that September 2016 was the first time the term was mentioned here.

You didn’t think to note by whom?

A heavy handed approach should always be favoured.

It’s a pity FG made that stupid video as they cannot now go in with SF. It’s silly because it painted them into a corner for no reason.

You’d say that alright.

Micheál Martin is. He attacked CBI this morning.

When they review their campaign this should be one of their first port of calls … Utterly stupid.

I’m not voting SF, I’m voting Green, so I’m not sure how you think I’m arguing for them. I’m merely pointing out that the FFG strategy of continuing to rule out SF as a coalition partner will only damage FFG.