General Election 2020 Hub

Serious clamping from big Hugh

He had years at it i suppose and years of dealing with the British government… the irish establishment would be a cake walk after that.

Irish politicians think that they are something when they are not, I reckon they are barely tolerated in Europe.

Adams had Provo experience. He was used to getting down and dirty.

Mary Lou had 4000 word European studies essays

Adam has always been tremendous under interrogation. Mary Lou could do with a stint in Long Kesh.


I think Irish politicians are well respected across Europe.



Yet Mary Lou is going to lead SF to a much better result

I believe one td runs a chain of pharmacies as well as being a td. Odd that iant mentioned

Who is that ??

And then you have ex-leaders getting paid even though they’re not turning up for work. And Leo wants to look after the people who get up in the morning. They’re all over the shop.

And then the cheek of Eoin O Broinn not claiming. No wonder Sinn Fein are hated.

On rare occasions, TDs opt not to draw their TAA expenses. In the current Dáil, Fianna Fáil’s Jim O’Callaghan and Sinn Féin’s Eoin Ó Broin, who are both Dublin-based TDs, have not claimed under this scheme.

Why did you just put Eoin O’Broin in bold and not Jim O’Callaghan?

Just heard a bit of Eoghan Harris on “Yeatsy” on Newstalk

Eoghan thinks that Mee-hawl Martin is incapable of looking someone in the eye and lying. Mee-hawl would be a good leader because he grew up in a housing estate

A few references to Hitler/Civil war etc thrown in.

Eoghan is so rabid FF it’s a bit sad. He might give himself a heart attack

Cos he’s a DOB puppet.

He was a rabid Shinner at one stage, then worked with Labour, then FG and now FF. his principles are negotiable


According to Eoghan SF economic policy will have college graduates eating out of rubbish bins
Eoghans backing of FF will surely cost them votes

Never a Shinner per se . Was a sticky



He was a Shinner before he was a splitter

I thought he was going to calve myself. I’d imagine if you were MM you’d have mixed feelings about his intervention

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Anyone still considerering voting FF at this stage is beyond intervention

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