General Election 2020 Hub



Cowen can die roaring, him and his brother. Their destruction of Portlaoise hospital for their own Tullamore has cost lives

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Disgusting misogyny from Micheál Martin. They hardly have any women TDs and no wonder. The party that tried to stop women having bodily autonomy too. Thankfully the fact they have absolutely no policies, no capable politicians and are still looked on as pariahs for ruining the Irish economy will ensure they’ll never be in government again.

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FF will be the biggest party again less than ten years after crashing the economy.

Hard to come up with any rational explanation.

They have better local politicians than anyone else is probably the best explanation

Probably is. Guy on David McWilliams podcast talked about it. Said they are the best at elections of any party he has seen

The pay scales look palatable enough.

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Was that the podcast taking about them never losing a popular vote between 1937 and 2011 also? Popularity like that doesn’t just go away

It does grow old though. Their main support base is old and rural. @anon67715551 and his drinking buddies :sunglasses:

It is still fairly resilient though . God knows what will happen in the next decade however I think if they go back in to power they will become more popular and again attract support and money . They have been very weak financially since the crash.

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The global economy of the next 5 years will probably decide whether FF are here to stay or die

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Exactly . Although it may be a good election to lose .

The junior final is on RTE now

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Who’s there?

The leaders of the remaining parties .

I concur. The local FF leading light in our area is John McGuinness, I’ve never voted for him, he is far too socially backward for my taste but I cannot fault those that do. He is the most effective constituency worker and if you ask him, he will help. He has a huge personal vote.

I fucking knew it


Eamon Ryan is able to talk and smile at the same time. You couldn’t be trusting a man that can do that.

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Wahey!!! There’s a big cohort of U-40’s out grafting on the ground this time around. I know it goes against your mantra that we’ll die away but I can assure you of this…

We’re not going away - Never, Never. We’ll be replaced and re-invigorated by a new vigorous battalion of troopers who’ll continue to carry the flag.

The best of luck to all candidates and their supporters by the way. Everyone is entitled to my opinions.

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David McCullough with a bizarre intervention there. “If you reduce ticket prices, won’t that also increase demand?” Yes, David. That’s the general idea.

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