General Election 2020 Hub

Darren is a gas cunt. This one is an all time classic


Not as good as his rally Sunday night but gives you a fair idea of what went on :grinning:

Heard s good one this evening… Micheal Martin has fucked up a steering job

The almost final word from Sligo-Leitrim has Marian Harkin barely rising a flag in the Leitrim part of the constituency. My initial confidence in her election is wavering.

There’s a mix of confidence, trepidation and downright hope attaching to Shane Ellis’ campaign. He’s going well with the younger brigade, a Leitrim candidate on the right ticket who’ll pull 1 or 2k of the old Reynolds vote under the local banner.

Kenny (SF) will ride the wave and could possibly top the poll. Topping the poll when a couple of k short of a quota in this constituency is fraught with danger (see poll topper John Ellis, 8552 and loses).

It’ll take a superhuman effort from our man to upset the odds but we’re in it to win it…


There are probably only two or three in their ranks that really would cut the mustard for cabinet. You’ll get away though with five or six cabinet portfolios being held by nonentities but you need good performers in the likes of Finance, Agriculture, Justice, Health, Education and Housing/Environment, plus maybe one or two others. For Foreign Affairs you need someone who’s good at getting soft PR in what is a very cushy number. Even the Jobs Minister at a time of full employment really only needs to be handy with the scissors. Chief Whip is a behind-the-scenes role to be filled by someone with authority in the party and who can rally the troops into shape.

The champ should appoint some proven achievers to the senate and appoint them to cabinet . Frankly the Irish political system is fertile ground for waffling mediocrity and I am being charitable here .

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Think the Constitution provides that only two from the Senate can be in cabinet. Was James Dooge the last senator in cabient?

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I thought 3 but you are probably right . I think dooge was the last .

Coalition wouldn’t just help FF with votes, it could provide a bit of talent too.


Not a good ad for left governments

Sean “dunner” Dunne to Housing

Is it not always the way that a party who haven’t been in government have a lot of unknown quantities as ministers? Who did FG have that was “proven” in 2011?

Clearly none that were proven but showing some sense of intelligence, gravitas or ability is usually a help.

FF have lads who were passed over when they were in gov, Mavericks who shoot their mouth off and the like of Jack Chambers.

McGrath, O’Callaghan are minister material. Maybe Calleary and Donnelly (the Uber-cunt) but it starts getting thin fairly sharp

Look here for a minute. The 1st.Government that FG lead was peppered with fucking muldoons who wouldn’t manage a County Council. They stuck to the Lenihan conceived, IMF sanctioned recovery plan and we wriggled along.
The 2nd FG/FF administration had chumps like, well, the fucking lot of them. Harris (not Rolf) Murphy, Zapper, Ross, Flanagan (replacing Fitzgerald) Doherty, endless spoofer.

Now the future isn’t glowing. I’ll be fair, there’s gonna have to-be compromise. FF have a cabal of ministerial possibles - McGrath, O’Callaghan, McConalogue, Fleming, Cowen, Smith… slight cough… Calleary, Chambers with an outlier like Bobby Alyward in Foreign Affairs…

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Right so we’ll take that 4 as being decent. Outside Paschal O’Donoughue who are these high performing Fine Gael ministers we are going to lose? Bear in mind FF will actually be in a coalition with parties as well and not just idiot independents like Shane Ross

Malcolm Byrne has been in the Dail a wet week and he’s already one of their most accomplished performers.

I want to spoil my vote looking at the country limerick ticket .

@the_man_himself has batted heroically for his beloved Fianna Fáil these past few weeks.

Those 4 have potential - we’ll see if they’re decent.

I’ve already made the point that the coalition partners can supply talent.

Yes but the cynic might say a pooling of stupidity