General Election 2020 Hub

The Greens have been a shambles really, I would have been fairly happy to give them a 2 or 3 (or hell even a 1 if they had anything coherent to say) at the outset, but nah:

FG 1
SF 3
GR 4
FF 5
Others N/A

*Situation is fluid and all of this could change by morning.

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You don’t care about the climate emergency.?
Have you kids

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It’s too late to start building trains mate, we need to start building rockets.

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Will storm Ciara get the Greens any votes ??

Which constituency?

Limerick City. Tbh I have no real attachment to any of the individuals and will be voting purely along party lines.

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I like your input (mostly) but it’s taken us 100 years to get here under the clutches of mainly FF lead administrations. There’s nothing in the current promises that’s gonna change that.
The Green Party, while agreeable, are a little too fruity for the vast majority who perceive them as cabbage eating nut-cases. I’d give them about 6 seats on a fine day.
I’ve a diesel car and a diesel tractor and will continue to adhere to those modes.

My kids also have diesel cars, you’d hardly expect them to cycle to Leitrim from various places.
This Green wave is just that, a wave. A vehicle for shouters like the “Bring me home to vote”


Leo is a footix. He picked a weekend when none of the good EPL teams are playing

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In fairness you’d hardly admit to a pollster you’d vote for DHR

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Which FG in LK you going with?

Leddin, who is running for Greens, is a good candidate. Don’t think he’ll get in there though

I’m probably going 1 GP/ 2 LAB in my constituency and leaving it at that. I was done with Labour but I’ve my reasons for giving Nash a tick.
I flirted with a 3 SF (first time for everything) but have decided to leave it this time around. They’ll do fine without my tick.

Get out there everyone and vote. Maybe we can bring a few more Green or left TDs, but no point moaning and groaning and bitching it you don’t do the deed tomorrow.


O’Donnell 1, Byrne 2.

I would agree with you on Leddin, but that’s based more on a vibe than anything else.

It’s mad with Johnny Mythen in Wexford. Only Paul Kehoe rivals him for being as thick, but he was a sitting councillor in the 6 seat Eniscorthy council, but in the last election he lost his seat, going out in 8th spot only getting 800 votes. But he is hot favourite to be a TD now. CHANGE! even if the person is absolutely useless.


You’re on thin fucking ice my pedigree Chum, now fuck off


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The word Change is being bandied about a bit much -

I think it was an old French general said of a proposed change -

“ Change ? - Christ things are bad enough “

Time will tell

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That’s a frightening prospect


That’s brilliant :grinning:

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Cc @anon61878697

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