General Election 2020 Hub

Just back from the ballot box.

Cc @Copper_pipe

Proudly gave Collins, Niall (FF) number 12 and Collins, Michael (FF) number 11 out of the 12 person candidate list.


There is a unmerciful stench of shy FF here today


They haven’t gone away you know.

32 county sports enthusiast who is against a 32 county country :laughing:

There is a 25% turnout in some constituencies already. Thats a serious run rate.

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FF were last on my ballot, FG just above them.


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Some Hilarious stuff here… Lads talking about a united ireland but only want their family to live in it for 9 months of the year… Wondering why a civil servant renting would vote FG and pick a crowd who would be likely to butcher their pension…


I voted

  1. FG
  2. FG
  3. FG
  4. GP
  5. Ind

I have decided to cast my vote for Richard O’Donoghue.


Democracy is the real winner !

Lad’s like @maroonandwhite and @Ambrose_McNulty Voting for the first time…

Half the forum has voted ad it’s not even 1pm …unreal.

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God bless you and your family.

I see that but I wonder will rugby and the weather be a factor ??

The likes of me and @maroonandwhite work Saturdays as well to keep the country going. I’ll vote around 7 this evening after the I put out the silage.

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Making all sorts of excuses to themselves but won’t come out and own their choice

There’ll be little to no voting done after 2.30 today.

The weather yea, rugby wouldn’t think would be a major factor.

Your herd is killing the country.

Not a major factor but a factor .

what time is the rubby on?

What are the NP like ? Are they an alright bunch of lads ?

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