General Election 2020 Hub

Polling is 3 times ahead of normal for lunchtime.

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unbelievable morning in Meath foe our academy - 108 ( one hundred and eight) kids up on the astro
im home now having a a huge sandwich and a cup of tea and digesting the indo
The eldest fella has krav maga before we go to Lidl and ill squeeze in a vote then,
i must say the Renua candidates talk a lot of sense regarding family values


It’s a 32 county sport so I thought you would know

I think 2.30. I know the corporate hospitality lads (so most of them) were meeting at 11am.

SF love hiding behind poor people, that is when they aren’t murdering them for helping an injured soldier in the street, or telling them to shut up when their kids have been molested.

This was never rich v poor, it was decent people, misguided perhaps, against pure scum in sheeps clothing.

But an excellent point on pensions, we’d be begging for the IMF after a few years of them


How does he find the Krav Maga ?

My last class was “the fighting a lad who has a machine gun“ technique. No word of a lie.

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Are renua for the rights or the unborn ? This is pivotal on my decision making process

There will be lots of hotels, keenly priced, for the IMF to stay in.


Are aontu or renua in this election? i haven’t heard one thing from them

That’s because rte have their own agenda

True and itll see FF back into power

There are a few candidates hovering around one of each in county limerick .

Any reports on turnout?

no such team footix

Good to brisk , brisk in places

FFG have already butchered pensions mate


FFG already did this

No ticket mate, completely forgot about it :frowning:

What pension?

Just in, place was mobbed.

1 Lab
2 FG
3 Grn
5 Ind

Regardless of anything, go out and vote. We pay enough tax its only right to have an interest in where it goes.


The national party (1)

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